

学校 小山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2018
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 0021 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義・演習 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Get Real 2 Student Book (MacMillan Language House, Angela Buckingham 他)
担当教員 J・C ドビン


1. To be able to complete the exercises and use the target expressions of the text book in the classroom.


評価項目1To be able to correctly complete the exercises and correctly use the target expressions of the text book in the classroom.To be able to complete the exercises and use the target expressions of the text book in the classroom.Not to be able to complete the exercises or use the target expressions of the text book in the classroom.


学習・教育到達度目標 ③ 説明 閉じる
学習・教育到達度目標 ⑥ 説明 閉じる


1. Warm up : this includes roll call, greetings, review of past lessons and checking assignments
2. Word counting exercise (単語数え活動)
3. Introduction of new lesson (新しい学習内容への導入)
a. Introduce model conversation with the aid of CD
b. Presenting new vocabulary (新出単語を説明)
4. Practicing the conversations and answering exercises in the textbook.
5. Wrap up : summarize the lesson and use of target expressions. (まとめなど)
Students should practice speaking to each other rather than reading to each other.
This makes the conversational nature of the language practice more realistic.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 I'm an onlychild. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
2週 L. 2 She's a born leader. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
3週 L. 3 We're both reliable. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
4週 L. 4 As I was saying. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
5週 L. 5 I'd like to check in. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
6週 L. 6 Here are some rules. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
7週 L. 7 There are some problems. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
8週 L. 8 That would be great. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
9週 L. 9 Do you know... To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
10週 L. 10 Sorry. My mistake. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
11週 L. 11Can I please...? To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
12週 L. 12 I'm broke. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
13週 L. 13 I used to play hopscotch. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
14週 L. 14She said she was sorry. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
15週 前期定期試験 To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
16週 試験返却
1週 L. 15 I read an unusual story. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
2週 L. 16 When did they release it? To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
3週 L. 17 You didn't know? To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
4週 L. 18 A good friend is loyal. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
5週 L. 19 I could do that. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
6週 L. 20 I wish I'd remembered. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
7週 L. 21I'd rather not say. To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
8週 L. 22 It could be an ad for... To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
9週 L. 23 The main reason is... To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
10週 L. 24 It needs a good location To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
11週 L. 25 You're expected to... To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
12週 L. 26 What does it mean? To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
13週 L. 27 What will happen if...? To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
14週 L. 28 It must have been... To be able to use the new expressions and answer the questions in the textbook.
15週 後期定期試験
16週 試験返却



