1 Students can improve their receptive skills and TOEIC scores using test-taking strategies - assessed using TOEIC-based tests.
2 Students can improve their communication skills using in-class by projects and activities - assessed using in-class activities.
3 Students can improve their English knowledge by completing homework and assignments - assessed using assigned work.
Students will learn language and strategies to improve their TOEIC scores. Language items will be vocabulary and grammar structures. There will be strategies for each of the 7 parts of the test, as well as strategies for overall time-management during the test.
In each normal class, students will warm up with a communication activity. Then they will use the textbook to learn about and practice TOEIC strategies. Finally, there will be either a communication activity or a quiz.
Tests will have TOEIC-level questions. It is important to get as many points as possible on assignment, quizzes, and activities.
This course includes a total of 120 hours of self-study activities at home before or after class. (Because 1 hour means 45 minutes in this context, you actually need a total of 90 hour self-study at home.) Please note that you must complete the take-home assighnments to succefully pass this class.
週 |
授業内容 |
週ごとの到達目標 |
前期 |
1stQ |
1週 |
"Warmup: Two truths and a lie Textbook: Listening (pt 1 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Nouns and verbs, first-person statements Skills: Predicting what you will hear Strategies: Think of nouns and verbs using a picture"
2週 |
"Warmup: Show and tell Textbook: Listening (pt 2 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Tag questions Skills: Thinking about meaning Strategies: Knowing common distractors "
3週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Listening (pt 3&4 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Offers and suggestions Skills: Using content words to predict what you will hear Strategies: Paraphrasing, who and where questions"
4週 |
"Warmup: Introduce your partner Textbook: Reading (pt 5 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Talking about the past and future Strategies: Managing time using the 2-pass method"
5週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Reading (pt 6 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Parts of speech Skills: Identifying parts of speech Strategies: Time management"
6週 |
"Warmup: Charades Textbook: Reading (pt 7 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Understanding context Skills: Using context to answer vocabulary questions Strategies: Answering easy questions first"
7週 |
In-class, graded performance
Varies depending on chosen performance
8週 |
Mid-term test
Use knowledge, skills, and strategies learned to perform on a TOEIC-based test.
2ndQ |
9週 |
"Warmup: Strike a pose Textbook: Listening (pt 1 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Nouns and verbs, first-person statements Skills: Predicting what you will hear Strategies: Think of nouns and verbs using a picture"
10週 |
"Warmup: All about me Textbook: Listening (pt 2 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Tag questions Skills: Thinking about meaning Strategies: Knowing common distractors "
11週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Listening (pt 3&4 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Offers and suggestions Skills: Using content words to predict what you will hear Strategies: Paraphrasing, who and where questions"
12週 |
"Warmup: Guide to your favorite place Textbook: Reading (pt 5&6 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Talking about the past and future, parts of speech Skills: Identifying parts of speech Strategies: Managing time using the 2-pass method"
13週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Reading (pt 7 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Understanding context Skills: Using context to answer vocabulary questions Strategies: Answering easy questions first"
14週 |
In-class, graded performance End-term test
Varies depending on chosen performance
15週 |
End-term test
Use knowledge, skills, and strategies learned to perform on a TOEIC-based test.
16週 |
Return the test |
後期 |
3rdQ |
1週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Listening (pt 1 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Present tenses, place prepositions Strategies: Avoiding common distractors"
2週 |
"Warmup: Draw a picture Textbook: Listening (pt 2 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Indirect answers Skills: Recognizing questions with indirect answers Strategies: Answering yes/ no questions where the answer isn’t yes or no."
3週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Listening (pt 3&4 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Answering What and When, Where, Why, and How questions Skills: Expressing opinions Strategies: Using the 40-second rule"
4週 |
"Warmup: Picture prompt story Textbook: Reading (pt 5 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Infinitive gerund forms after verbs, recognizing dependent prepositions Strategies: Using prefixes to guess meaning"
5週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Reading (pt 6 A) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Linking words, pronouns and possessive forms Strategies: Answering connecting content questions"
6週 |
"Warmup: Charades Textbook: Reading (pt 7 A) Assessment: Quiz"
Strategies: Answering main idea questions and inference questions, answering connecting information questions, answering NOT questions
7週 |
In-class, graded performance
Varies depending on chosen performance
8週 |
Mid-term test
Use knowledge, skills, and strategies learned to perform on a TOEIC-based test.
4thQ |
9週 |
"Warmup: Strike a pose Textbook: Listening (pt 1 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Present tenses, place prepositions Strategies: Avoiding common distractors"
10週 |
"Warmup: All about me Textbook: Listening (pt 2 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Indirect answers Skills: Recognizing questions with indirect answers Strategies: Answering yes/ no questions where the answer isn’t yes or no."
11週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Listening (pt 3&4 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Answering What and When, Where, Why, and How questions Skills: Expressing opinions Strategies: Using the 40-second rule"
12週 |
"Warmup: Hot seat (guess the word) Textbook: Reading (pt 5&6 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
"Knowledge: Infinitive gerund forms after verbs, recognizing dependent prepositions Strategies: Using prefixes to guess meaning"
13週 |
"Warmup: Question-based discussion Textbook: Reading (pt 7 BCD) Assessment: Quiz"
Strategies: Answering main idea questions and inference questions, answering connecting information questions, answering NOT questions
14週 |
In-class, graded performance
Varies depending on chosen performance
15週 |
End-term test
Use knowledge, skills, and strategies learned to perform on a TOEIC-based test.
16週 |
Return the test |
分類 | 分野 | 学習内容 | 学習内容の到達目標 | 到達レベル | 授業週 |
基礎的能力 | 人文・社会科学 | 英語 | 英語運用の基礎となる知識 | 聞き手に伝わるよう、句・文における基本的なリズムやイントネーション、音のつながりに配慮して、音読あるいは発話できる。 | 3 | |
明瞭で聞き手に伝わるような発話ができるよう、英語の発音・アクセントの規則を習得して適切に運用できる。 | 3 | |
中学で既習の語彙の定着を図り、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた新出語彙、及び専門教育に必要となる英語専門用語を習得して適切な運用ができる。 | 3 | |
中学で既習の文法や文構造に加え、高等学校学習指導要領に準じた文法や文構造を習得して適切に運用できる。 | 3 | |
英語運用能力の基礎固め | 日常生活や身近な話題に関して、毎分100語程度の速度ではっきりとした発音で話された内容から必要な情報を聞きとることができる。 | 3 | |
日常生活や身近な話題に関して、自分の意見や感想を基本的な表現を用いて英語で話すことができる。 | 3 | |
説明や物語などの文章を毎分100語程度の速度で聞き手に伝わるように音読ができる。 | 3 | |
平易な英語で書かれた文章を読み、その概要を把握し必要な情報を読み取ることができる。 | 3 | |
日常生活や身近な話題に関して、自分の意見や感想を整理し、100語程度のまとまりのある文章を英語で書くことができる。 | 3 | |
母国以外の言語や文化を理解しようとする姿勢をもち、実際の場面で積極的にコミュニケーションを図ることができる。 | 3 | |
実際の場面や目的に応じて、基本的なコミュニケーション方略(ジェスチャー、アイコンタクト)を適切に用いることができる。 | 3 | |
英語運用能力向上のための学習 | 自分の専門分野などの予備知識のある内容や関心のある事柄に関する報告や対話などを毎分120語程度の速度で聞いて、概要を把握し、情報を聞き取ることができる。 | 3 | |
英語でのディスカッション(必要に応じてディベート)を想定して、教室内でのやり取りや教室外での日常的な質問や応答などができる。 | 3 | |
英語でディスカッション(必要に応じてディベート)を行うため、学生自ら準備活動や情報収集を行い、主体的な態度で行動できる。 | 3 | |
母国以外の言語や文化を理解しようとする姿勢をもち、教室内外で英語で円滑なコミュニケーションをとることができる。 | 3 | |
関心のあるトピックについて、200語程度の文章をパラグラフライティングなど論理的文章の構成に留意して書くことができる。 | 3 | |
関心のあるトピックや自分の専門分野のプレゼン等にもつながる平易な英語での口頭発表や、内容に関する簡単な質問や応答などのやりとりができる。 | 3 | |
関心のあるトピックや自分の専門分野に関する論文やマニュアルなどの概要を把握し、必要な情報を読み取ることができる。 | 3 | |
英文資料を、自分の専門分野に関する論文の英文アブストラクトや口頭発表用の資料等の作成にもつながるよう、英文テクニカルライティングにおける基礎的な語彙や表現を使って書くことができる。 | 3 | |
実際の場面や目的に応じて、効果的なコミュニケーション方略(ジェスチャー、アイコンタクト、代用表現、聞き返しなど)を適切に用いることができる。 | 3 | |