Advanced Engineering Materials


学校 群馬工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 Advanced Engineering Materials
科目番号 131 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 環境工学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Handouts and electronic files
担当教員 ルカノフ アレクサンダー,Olaf Karthaus,橋本 修一


As part of promoting internationalization of our KOSEN, this lecture will be given in English. A wide range of topics will be covered from basic engineering materials to advanced materials from cutting-edge research fields.

□ To be able to understand principles by listening lectures given in English.
□ To be able to ask questions and answer queries in English regarding lecture materials.
□ To be able to grasp and understand topics related to advanced materials research that are attracting attention worldwide.


評価項目1To understand the contents of lectures on materials in English sufficiently.To understand the contents of lectures on materials in English.The content of the lectures is poorly understood.
評価項目2To be able to ask questions and respond appropriately in English. Excellent performance in asking questions or answering queries in English.Poor performance in asking questions or answering queries in English.
評価項目3To be able to grasp and fully understand topics related to advanced materials research that are attracting worldwide attention.To be able to grasp and understand topics related to advanced materials research that are attracting worldwide attention.Poor performance in grasping and understanding topics related to advanced materials research that are attracting worldwide attention.



All the lectures on advanced materials are given in English in order to promote students performance in international atmosphere. In addition to lectures by a full-time teachin staff, lectures by foreign researchers (remote lectures by part-time lecturers) will be conducted. A wide range of topics will be covered, from basic sicence and engieering on materials to introductory advanced materials.
The lectures will be given by full-time lecturer using slides and handouts.
Foreign researchers will give remote lectures in real time using Teams, Zoom, etc.
Students are expected to actively involved in asking questions in English during the lecture time and try to deepen their own understanding.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Learn about Engineering Materials in English
To understand expressions in scientific English.
2週 Nanomachines and Nanorobotics as Next Generation Drugs for Precision Medicine
To understand nanomachines and nanorobotics as next generation drugs for precision medicine.
3週 Metabolic Labeling of Genomic DNA in the Living Cell
To understand metabolic labeling of genomic DNA in the living cell.
4週 Sensors and Bioindicators for Environmental Monitoring
To understand sensors and bioindicators for environmental monitoring.
5週 Sustainable Ecotechnologies for Environmental Protections. To understand sustainable ecotechnologies for environmental protections.
6週 Environmental Chemistry: Accumulation and Transformation of the Pollutants in Nature
To understand environmental chemistry: accumulation and transformation of the pollutants in nature.
7週 Single-Molecule Tracking and Imaging of Molecular Dynamics in Living Cells
To understand single-molecule tracking and imaging of molecular dynamics in living
8週 Nanobiotechnological Approaches for Purification of Industrial
Contaminated Effluents
To nanobiotechnological approaches for purification of industrial
contaminated effluents.
9週 Nanotechnology-Based Drug Delivery Systems
To understand nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems.
10週 Self-Organization to Fabricate Polymer Microstructures
To understand self-organization to fabricate polymer microstructures.
11週 Non-Linear Dynamic Processes in Polymer Solutions to Prepare Ordered
To understand non-linear dynamic processes in polymer solutions to prepare ordered.
12週 Biomimetics of Pollen Particles
To understand biomimetics of pollen particles.
13週 Hybrid Materials containing Natural Polymers
To understand hybrid materials containing natural polymers.
14週 Plastic Degradation and Microplastics
To understand plastic degradation and microplastics.
15週 Biomimetics of Flower Petals
To understand biomimetics of flower petals.

