

学校 群馬工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 連携教育インターンシップ
科目番号 132 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 実験・実習 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 環境工学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
担当教員 友坂 秀之,羽切 正英


□ The students will acquire skills of discovering and solving technological challenges in cooperation with foreign engineers and researchers using English as a communication tool.
□ The students will be able to gain meta-national experience, understand different cultures and economic factors that shape societies.
□ The students will be able to understand the advantages of your own country and ability to act from a global perspective.


評価項目1To be able to be actively involved in lab training while communicating freely with lab members in English.To participate in lab training with positive attitude while communicating with lab members in English.Unable to participate in lab training with positive attitude while communicating with lab members in English.
評価項目2To be able to ask questions and respond appropriately in English.To be able to ask and answer questions in English.Unable to ask or answer questions in English at all.
評価項目3To be able to grasp and fully understand topics related to research fields that are undergoing in the laboratory and worldwide.To be able to grasp and understand topics related to research fields that are undergoing in the laboratory and worldwide.Unable to grasp and understand topics related to a related to research fields that are undergoing in the laboratory and worldwide.



The overseas internship is a unique opportunity offered to the students in the Advanced Technology Collaborative Program to engage in one month project in their field of specialization at research institutions around the world.
In this project, you will, with the help of your supervisor, find an appropriate overseas laboratory in which you will deepen your knowledge in your field of study. It also gives you an opportunity to enhance your English communication skills and help you to exchange ideas on the global stage.
To survey the host research organizations.
To talk with the supervisor about the internship.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Overview of overseas research project. Project goals are explained by your supervisor. Look for the host.
2週 Students plan their overseas research project with the help of supervisors. Work on proposal and administrative procedures.
3週 Compilation and application of overseas research project proposal. Work on proposal and administrative procedures.
4週 Travel and visa arrangements for the overseas research project. Prepare documents for travel scholarship. Prepare necessary documents.
5週 Research at host institution: the first week. Work on reserach.
6週 Research at host institution: the first week. The student should send a weekly report to his supervisor(s). Report
7週 Research at host institution: the second week. Work on reserach.
8週 Research at host institution: the second week. The student should send a weekly report to his supervisor(s). Report
9週 Research at host institution: the third week. Work on reserach.
10週 Research at host institution: the third week. The student should send a weekly report to his supervisor(s). Report
11週 Research at host institution: the fourth week. Work on reserach.
12週 Research at host institution: the fourth week. The student should send a weekly report to his supervisor(s). Report
13週 Compilation of research activities at the host institution. Work on final presentation.
14週 Presentation of research activities during the overseas research project. Prepare final presentation
15週 Presentation and discussion on activities during your internship. Presentation
16週 Wrapping up the project Final report

