

学校 木更津工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成29年度 (2017年度)
授業科目 英語表現
科目番号 0021 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Technology 1 by Eric H. Glendinning. Class Listening CD is optional
担当教員 山本 長紀,GARRETT BRETT


1) Learn technology related vocabulary through discussion and problem solving exercises in groups
2) Develop effective group work skills
3) Learn practical conversational phrases on a weekly basis in order to enhance fluency


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1 - Ability to express personal ideas and experiences in English
Evaluation 2 - Ability to produce accurate sentences in a spoken context.
Evaluation 3 - Ability to produce accurate sentences in a written context.



Students have a phrase learning requirement which is key to their success on the course. This phrase learning requirement is designed to accelerate fluency and preparation for this requirement will take between 1/4 and 1/2 of the course.. Students have a phrase based learning requirement for each two week period which will be tested at the end of each semester. A separate textbook "Technology 1"is provided to develop functional communication skills in a tech related setting. The chapters are designed to stimulate interest with tech related material and with problem solving exercises for pairs and groups. The material and exercises are but a curious vehicle for delivering vocabulary.. Students have a vocabulary based learning requirement for each two week period and this will be tested at the end of each semester.
Each two week period will start with an introduction of 20 phrases for students to memorize and some pair work to help solidify these items. On each third week these phrases will be tested in a 5/10 minute written quiz. In the text there are 15 chapters to be completed during the year so 3/4 chapters will be covered in each quarter. One chapter will be covered over each two week period, along with 20 suggested vocabulary for review. Each chapter includes exercises on reading, writing, speaking and listening which will be selected based on their level of curiosity and practical use.
Problem solving in groups will be key to success with the texts. Students are expected to work together and support each other so that each class can work through the text at a good pace. Emrace importance of memorization, it is a fact of language learning which can't be escaped. I have prepared sentences carefully to make memorization requirements as useful and as interesting as possible. Please keep a mature attitude in class and consider what kind pf approach will serve you well in future employment or research. Insisting to work by oneself, sleeping, daydreaming, having long unrelated conversations, working on reports for other classes etc. is not team work and may drag your classmates down. Classes wil allow some time for socializing through the use of English, please take advantage of these opportunities for your own enjoyment. Any testing will be predicatable to a certain extent and not so mysterious so please take advantage of my preparation advice.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Phrase Learning Challenge 1 Ch1 - Technology & Society * Learn and remember 20 phrases for the early morning, going out, commuting, and office mornings.
2週 Compare tech innovations with adjectives and adverbs. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
3週 Phrase Learning Challenge 2 Ch2 - Studying Technology * Learn and remember 20 phrases for the classroom, for chores, for lunch, for meeting prep.
4週 Describe what you are studying using present simple and present continuous. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
5週 Phrase Learning Challenge 3 Ch3 - Design * Learn and remember 20 phrases for meetings, classroom afternoons, exams, arriving home
6週 Become versitle with question formation to understand a design. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
7週 Phrase Learning Challenge 4 Ch4 - Technology in Sport * Learn and remember 20 phrases for cooking, dinnertime, bedtime
8週 Make recommendations. Speak about materials; used to, used for, made of, made from. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
9週 Phrase Learning Challenge 5 Ch5 - Appropriate Technology * Learn and remember 20 phrases for agreeing, disagreeing, misunderstanding, for secrets.
10週 Use time clauses to explain the way mechanisms work. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
11週 Phrase Learning Challenge 6 Ch6 - Crime Fighting & Security * Learn and remember 20 phrases for asking for help, apologising, saying thankyou, for congratulating.
12週 Use informal language to find and exchange information. Describe equipment function. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
13週 Phrase Learning Challenge 7 Ch7 - Manufacturing * Learn and remember 20 phrases for flattering, for encouragement, for empathizing.
14週 Find out how common products are made. Use present passive and compound nouns. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
15週 Phrase Learning Challenge 8 Ch8 - Transport * Learn and remember 20 phrases for expressing happiness, fun, humour, and sadness.
16週 Ch8 - Make predictions using will, may, might. Find out more about cars of the future. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
1週 Phrase Learning Challenge 9 Ch9 - Skyscrapers * Learn and remember 20 phrases for anger, frustration, fear, & surprise
2週 Describe safety signs and give safety advice. Research to find out about skyscrapers. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
3週 Phrase Learning Challenge 10 Ch10 - Medical Technology * Learn and remember 20 phrases for describing people's character, looks, personality etc.
4週 Explain medical devices using relative clauses. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
5週 Phrase Learning Challenge 11 Ch11 - Personal Entertainment * Learn and remember 20 phrases to describe ourselves, desires, weather, seasons, disasters.
6週 Use should and shouldn't to give advice. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
7週 Phrase Learning Challenge 12 Ch12 - Information Technology * Learn and remember 20 phrases for greetings, first meetings, small talk, goodbyes.
8週 Use past passive to talk about the worlds most powerful computers. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
9週 Phrase Learning Challenge 13 Ch13 - Telecommunications * Learn and remember 20 phrases for describing childhood, hobbies, family, residence.
10週 Use both past simple and present perfect to make explanations. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
11週 Phrase Learning Challenge 14 Ch14 - Careers in Technology * Learn and remember 20 phrases for personal questions, parties, reunions, karaoke, drinks
12週 Discuss and read about technology jobs and their requirements. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
13週 Phrase Learning Challenge 15 Ch15 - The Future of Technology * Learn and remember 20 phrases for hotsprings, kimono wearing, tatami, japanese food.
14週 Use phrasal verbs to discuss predictions about technology. * Learn and remember 20 tech related words from each chapter.
15週 REVIEW Prepare for the final test.
16週 REVIEW Prepare for the final test.




ExaminationPhrase Learning合計
Basic Ability305080
Technical Ability20020