
学校 木更津工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 国語IIA
科目番号 g0030 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 環境都市工学科 対象学年 2
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
担当教員 加藤 達彦


1. Develop an ability to listen and understand the spoken language (listening skills).
2. Develop an ability to read and comprehend various literatures that will be introduced in the class (reading skills).
3. Develop an ability to express own thoughts and ideas (writing skills).
4. Able to read and write most of the "Jōyō Kanjis (commonly used Kanjis)".


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Evaluation Item 1Able to listen (read) to a speaker's (writer's) words accurately, understand the true intension and respond to it.Able to listen (read) and understand to a speaker's (writer's) words accurately.Do not able to listen (read) and understand to a speaker's (writer's) words accurately.
Evaluation Item 2Able to accurately comprehend and appreciate various literatures introduced in class including "Jōyō Kanjis".Able to accurately comprehend various literatures introduced in class including "Jōyō Kanjis".Not able to accurately comprehend various literatures introduced in class including "Jōyō Kanjis".
Evaluation Item 3Able to express own thoughts and ideas accurately and creatively using "Jōyō Kanjis".Able to express own thoughts and ideas accurately using "Jōyō Kanjis".Not able to express own thoughts and ideas accurately using "Jōyō Kanjis".


準学士課程 3(1) 説明 閉じる


In Japanese II A, focuses on improving basic skills, such as listening and reading. Various Japanese cultures and traditions will be introduced along with basic knowledge of ancient writing through ancient literatures. At the same time, the goal is to develop broad cultural perspectives that cultivate a rich humanity.
① Classes are basically conducted in a lecture format (slide explanation) according to the textbook.
② It is important to listen to the lecture attentively and take notes. In addition to that, students should make a habit of taking notes.
③ Students are expected to study Kanji textbooks on their own.
④ Understand the purpose of the assigned tasks and carry out them thoroughly.
It is very important to be willing to ask questions and solve problems in class. Therefore, it is recommended that the students read the texts in advance and use a dictionary to look up difficult words and phrases.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Guidance Understand how to use the textbook, how to study Kanji characters and guidelines for assignment submissions.
2週 ① Essays (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Kang Sang-jung and others. Able to accurately grasp the sentence structures and flow.
3週 ② Essays (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Kang Sang-jung and others. Able to give own opinions for author's opinions.
4週 ① Review (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Takuyuki Kiyooka and others. Accurately comprehend the logical flow of the review.
5週 ② Review (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Takuyuki Kiyooka and others. Learn about the thoughts behind the assertions.
6週 ③ Review (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Takuyuki Kiyooka and others. Learn the author's perspective and way of thinking and able to apply it to own thinking.
7週 Revision of Textbook Contents, Jōyō Kanjis and Vocabulary Revision of the contents using the textbook and Kanji handouts.
8週 ① Novel (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Atsushi Nakajima. Listen to an excellent recitation and feel the ambience of the novel, its unique style and rhythm.
9週 ② Novel (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Atsushi Nakajima. Learn the author's creative techniques that are expressed in the novel.
10週 ③ Novel (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Atsushi Nakajima. Understand the background and thoughts of the era.
11週 ④ Novel (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Atsushi Nakajima. Understand the emotional changes in the main character of the novel.
12週 ⑤ Novel (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Atsushi Nakajima. Able to summarize the plot of the novel by reviewing the contents.
13週 ① Poetry (1) Reading Comprehensions from the works of Atsushi Nakajima. Learn about the unique expressive skills of a poet.
14週 ② Poetry (1) Reading of Sakutaro Hagiwara and others. Understand the background and thoughts of the era and able to appreciate the work.
15週 Review of Textbook content, Kanji and Vocabulary Revision of the textbook and the Kanji handouts as a preparation for the regular examination of the first semester.
16週 Regular Examination of the first semester
Answers and Explanations of the Examinations
Able to correctly answer the questions based on the study contents. Review the examination questions and confirm the correct answers.




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Proficiency350015050100
Specialized Proficiency0000000