

学校 木更津工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 日本文化論
科目番号 g0810 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 環境都市工学科 対象学年 2
開設期 集中 週時間数
教科書/教材 Instructions will be given in class. (Handouts will be distributed as necessary.)
担当教員 加藤 達彦,田嶋 彩香


1. Be able to survey a variety of literature and materials and understand the contents (reading skills).
2. Be able to conduct an interview during a survey and note the contents of the interview (listening skills).
3. Be able to communicate own thoughts and ideas to others (speaking skills).
4. Be able to express own thoughts and ideas (writing skills).
5. Be able to work and discuss in a group (thinking skills).
6. Be familiar and be able to explain the traditional Japanese culture and technologies.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Evaluation Item 1Able to listen to a speaker's words accurately, understand the true intension and respond to it.Able to listen and understand to a speaker's words accurately.Not able to listen and understand to a speaker's words accurately.
Evaluation Item 2Able to determine own role in a group and actively work together to complete tasks.Able to work together in a group to complete tasks.Not able to work together in a group to complete tasks.
Evaluation Item 3Able to feel the depth of Japanese culture, traditions and craftsmanship and can explain their essence accurately.Can accurately explain the essence of Japanese culture, traditions and craftsmanship.Cannot explain the essence of Japanese culture, traditions and craftsmanship.


準学士課程 3(1) 説明 閉じる


The objective of "Japanese Culture" is to integrate the listening, reading, speaking, writing and thinking skills learned in Japanese language classes, and to expose students to Japanese culture, traditions, craftsmanship and wisdom. Moreover, the goal of this course is to develop a sense of humanity and culture through the study of traditional culture and craftsmanship.
① The course consists of lectures and exercises.
② In the lectures, learn how to prepare for a survey and how to conduct an interview.
③ In the exercises, practice and learn how to prepare a survey report in a group.
① Actively communicate with others as the course is based on group works.
② Since this is a short-term intensive course, absences are not permitted in principle.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Guidance Understand how the classes proceed and guidelines related to assignment submissions and evaluations.
2週 ① Lecture : Survey Methods and Explanations Learn about a survey.
3週 ② Lecture : Survey Methods and Explanations Learn the art of a survey (the art of listening to others).
4週 ③ Lecture : Survey Methods and Explanations Learn about survey methods (the art of asking questions).
5週 ④ Lecture : Survey Methods and Explanations Learn how to write a survey report.
6週 ① Exercises : Group discussions related to Survey Learn about the different types of effective interviews and how to conduct them.
7週 ② Exercises : Group discussions related to Survey Practice interviews in pairs to become familiar with the interview process.
8週 ③ Exercises : Group discussions related to Survey Work in groups to practice interviewing each other on a specific theme and gain proficiency.
9週 ④ Exercises : Group discussions related to Survey Discuss the points noticed when conducting interviews and learn how to have an objective perspective.
10週 ⑤ Exercises : Group discussions related to Survey Read literature about the professions of the external instructors and think about interview questions.
11週 ① Exercises : Lectures, Talks and Exercises by External Instructors Learn about the attractions in a profession through lecture, talks and exercises conducted by external instructors.
12週 ② Exercises : Lectures, Talks and Excercises by External Instructors Interview external instructors to find out what they like about their profession.
13週 ① Exercise : Summary of the Interview. Work in groups to organize the content of conduct interviews.
14週 ② Exercise : Summary of the Interview. Work together to prepare for a group presentation.
15週 ① Exercises : Group Presentations Present the results of the interviews and learn better points from the work of other groups.
16週 ② Exercises : Group Presentations Present the results of the interviews and identify the points of improvement in the own report.
1週 ① Exercises : Group Survey outside the College Gathering references related to survey destination.
2週 ② Exercises : Group Survey outside the College Read references about the survey destination and think about the interview questions.
3週 ③ Exercises : Group Survey outside the College Select an interview method that suits the characteristics of the survey destination, and think about what is needed at the time of interview.
4週 ④ Exercises : Group Survey outside the College Discuss and schedule the time and means of visiting the survey destination.
5週 ⑤ Exercises : Group Survey outside the College Visit the survey destination and find out what they like about their work.
6週 ⑥ Exercises : Group Survey outside the College Visit the survey destination and collect materials for the report.
7週 ① Summary of the Survey Organize the information and content of the interview received from the survey destination.
8週 ② Summary of the Survey Select information and interviews obtained from the destination that are useful for preparing a report.
9週 ③ Summary of the Survey Work together to determine a common theme for the survey report.
10週 ④ Summary of the Survey Prepare a group presentation for the survey report and decide roles and responsibilities of group members.
11週 ⑤ Summary of the Survey Learn to prepare a better group presentation.
12週 ① Group Presentations Make a group presentation to communicate the results of the interview survey accurately.
13週 ② Group Presentations Listen to group presentations and evaluate each other's activities.
14週 ① Preparation of Survey Report Work in a group to prepare a survey report.
15週 ② Submission of Survey Report Submit a written report of the survey prepared as a group work.
16週 Summary of the course Looking back at the whole course.




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Proficiency010030060100
Specialized Proficiency0000000
Cross Area Proficiency0000000