Science English Ⅱ


学校 東京工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 Science English Ⅱ
科目番号 9156 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 物質工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Exploring Science: Working Scientifically Student Book Year 9
担当教員 ゲイツ ジョン


【目的】 The purpose of this course is to provide the students with a strong foundation for reading scientific articles and giving presentations in English.
1. Learn important English vocabulary for science
2. Improve English pronunciation
3. Gain experience in making an English Speech


評価項目1 Scientific VocabularyRemember more than 80% of the scientific vocabulary.Remember between 70% and 80% of the scientific vocabulary.Remember between 60% and 70% of the scientific vocabulary.Remember less than 60% of the scientific vocabulary.
評価項目2 Scientific PhrasesRemember more than 80% of the scientific phrases.Remember between 70% and 80% of the scientific phrases.Remember between 60% and 70% of the scientific phrases.Remember less than 60% of the scientific phrases.
評価項目3 Speech RecitationRemember more than 80% of the English recitation.Remember between 70% and 80% of the English recitation.Remember between 60% and 70% of the English recitation.Remember less than 60% of the English recitation.



The main focus is on general scientific vocabulary and pronunciation. In total the students will have to memorize 350 scientific words and 40 scientific phrases. Also, the students will have to recite a passage from the textbook of at least 200 words in length. Correct pronunciation will be emphasized.
Every class there will be a short test to determine if the students remember the important vocabulary and phrases. These short tests will be cumulative in that each test will have some content from all the previous lessons. Each week will introduce new vocabulary and phrases. Also, each week there will be time to prepare for the English recitation.
オフィスアワー: 12:10~12:40  ゲイツ研究室(1棟3階)


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Class Introduction
Speech Explanation
Vocabulary Lesson 1
Pronunciation Lesson 1
Speech Search 1
Scientific Phrases Lesson 1
Pronunciation of “L”
Speech practice
2週 Short test 1
Vocabulary Lesson 2
Pronunciation Lesson 2
Reading 1 “Easy breathing / Smoke signals”
Speech Search 2
Scientific Phrases Lesson 2
Pronunciation of “R”
Vocabulary related to human biology
Speech practice
3週 Short test 2
Vocabulary Lesson 3
Pronunciation Lesson 3
Reading 2 “Sun, soil and air”
Speech Lottery
Scientific Phrases Lesson 3
Pronunciation of “V”
Vocabulary related to plant biology
Speech practice
4週 Short test 3
Vocabulary Lesson 4
Pronunciation Lesson 4
Reading 3 “Animal detectives”
Speech Practice 1
Scientific Phrases Lesson 4
Pronunciation of “Th”
Vocabulary related to animals
Speech practice
5週 Short test 4
Vocabulary Lesson 5
Pronunciation Lesson 5
Reading 4 “A roof over our heads”
Speech Practice 2
Scientific Phrases Lesson 5
Pronunciation of “L” Part 2
Vocabulary related to chemistry
How to read a title
Speech practice
6週 Short test 5
Vocabulary Lesson 6
Pronunciation Lesson 6
Reading 5 “Stone wear”
Speech Practice 3
Scientific Phrases Lesson 6
Pronunciation of “V” Part 2
Vocabulary related to ecology
How to read numbers
Speech practice
7週 Short test 6
Vocabulary Lesson 7
Pronunciation Lesson 7
Reading 6 “The global warming debate”
Speech Practice 4
Scientific Phrases Lesson 7
Pronunciation of “V” Part 2
Vocabulary related to ecology
How to read numbers
Speech practice
8週 Midterm Exam Review of Scientific Phrases Lessons 1 to 5 and Vocabulary Lessons 1 to 5
9週 Short test 7
Vocabulary Lesson 8
Pronunciation Lesson 8
Reading 7 “The generation game”
Speech Practice 5
Scientific Phrases Lesson 8
Pronunciation of “Th”
Vocabulary related to electrical engineering
How to read units
Speech practice
10週 Short test 8
Vocabulary Lesson 9
Pronunciation Lesson 9
Reading 8 “Using pressure”
Speech Practice 6
Scientific Phrases Lesson 9
Pronunciation of “S” and “C”
Vocabulary related to mechanical engineering
How to read equations
Speech practice
11週 Short test 9
Vocabulary Lesson 10
Pronunciation Lesson 10
Reading 9 “Chemical reactions”
Speech Practice 7
Scientific Phrases Lesson 10
Pronunciation of “T” and “D”
Vocabulary related to chemistry
How to read chemical formulas
Speech practice
12週 Short test 10
Speech Practice 8
13週 English Recitations
14週 English Recitations
15週 English Recitations
Final Exam Review
16週 Final Exam Review of Scientific Phrases Lessons 6 to 10 and Vocabulary Lessons 6 to 10




試験発表相互評価態度ポートフォリオその他(Weekly Short tests)合計