

学校 長岡工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 電気電子計測
科目番号 0045 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 電気電子システム工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Electric Electrical Measurement, written by Takeo Abe and Minoru Murayama
担当教員 蔦 将哉,内富 直隆


(Course Code: 21230, English Title: Electric Measurements) (The weeks listed in the syllabus represent the frequency of classes)
This course actively focuses on NIT (KOSEN), Nagaoka College’s Educational Goal (C). The following table shows the achievement objectives of this course, evaluation weights, and the relationship between each achievement objective and the learning and educational achievement objectives set by KOSEN.
① To understand the operating principles and measurable ranges of basic indicating instruments: 25% (C2)
② To understand voltage and current measurement problems and learn methods to solve them: 25% (C2)
③ To understand the basic principles of electric power and electric energy measurements, as well as strategies to prevent measurement errors: 25% (C2)
④ To understand resistance and impedance measurement problems and learn methods to solve them: 25% (C2)


Ideal LevelStandard LevelAcceptable LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1The student has a detailed understanding of the operating principles and measurable ranges of basic indicating instruments.The student understands the operating principles and measurable ranges of basic indicating instruments.The student vaguely understands the operating principles and measurable ranges of basic indicating instruments.The student does not understand the operating principles and measurable ranges of basic indicating instruments.
Achievement 2The student has a detailed understanding of voltage and current measurement problems and has mastered methods to solve them.The student understands voltage and current measurement problems and has learned methods to solve them.The student vaguely understands voltage and current measurement problems and is familiar with methods to solve them.The student does not understand voltage and current measurement problems and has not learned methods to solve them.
Achievement 3The student has a detailed understanding of the basic principles of electric power and electric energy measurements, as well as strategies to prevent measurement errors.The student understands the basic principles of electric power and electric energy measurements, as well as strategies to prevent measurement errors.The student vaguely understands the basic principles of electric power and electric energy measurements, as well as strategies to prevent measurement errors.The student does not understand the basic principles of electric power and electric energy measurements or strategies to prevent measurement errors.
Achievement 4The student has a detailed understanding of resistance and impedance measurement problems and has mastered methods to solve them.The student understands resistance and impedance measurement problems and has learned methods to solve them.The student vaguely understands resistance and impedance measurement problems and has learned methods to solve them.The student does not understand resistance or impedance measurement problems and has not learned methods to solve them.



The extraordinary development of modern electrical and electronic engineering is built on a foundation of electrical and electronic measurement; there is barely any subfield of electrical and electronic engineering that is not related to measurement. This makes electrical and electronic measurement one of the most important basic subjects for students of electrical and electronic engineering. The objective of this course is not to simply list the many measuring instruments and methods currently available, but to understand the common principles of measuring instruments and the fundamentals of electrical and electronic measurement.
○ Related Courses: Mathematics, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1st year), Basic Electric Circuits (2nd year), and The Mathematics of Electricity (2nd year).
To measure students’ level of understanding and improve academic skills, quizzes on class content will be conducted as necessary.
At its core, indicating instruments cause a mechanical meter to swing with an electrical quantity that cannot be sensed by humans. Accordingly, the knowledge of general physics (especially force and motion of objects and the action of electricity and electric current) is essential for this course. In addition, students are encouraged to review the contents of the second-year course “Basic Electric Circuits” before taking this course. This course was originally planned as an in-person class; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be conducted remotely when necessary.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Overview and Preparation for Electrical and Electronic Measurement Learn the importance of electrical and electronic measurement.
2週 Position and Basic Concepts of Measurement Understand the position and the basic concepts of measurement.
3週 Statistical Properties and Processing (1) Gain a broad understanding of the mathematical errors and biases that form the basis of statistics.
4週 Statistical Properties and Processing (2) Understand the mathematical and statistical population, mean, variance, etc., of measurements.
5週 Units and Standards (1) Learn about the definition of units for representing physical quantities.
6週 Units and Standards (2) Learn the decibel notation required for electrical and electronic information.
7週 Indicating Instruments (1) Understand the structure and principles of movable coil-type indicators.
8週 Midterm Examination of 1st Exam length: 50 min
9週 Indicating Instruments (2) Understand the structure and operating principles of thermoelectric and electrostatic meters.
10週 Measuring Direct Current with Indicating Instruments (1) Understand the fundamentals of electrical measurement, including voltmeter multipliers and ammeter current dividers.
11週 Measuring Direct Current with Indicating Instruments (2) Understand the fundamentals of electrical measurement, including the null method and bridges.
12週 Measuring Alternating Current with Indicating Instruments (1) Learn about alternating current (AC) and AC power, as well as the phasors required for AC.
13週 Measuring Alternating Current with Indicating Instruments (2) Learn about the impedance and admittance of AC.
14週 Electronic Devices and Functional Circuits for Measurement (1) Learn the fundamentals of the semiconductors and electronic devices necessary for electronic measurement.
15週 Electronic Devices and Functional Circuits for Measurement (2) Learn about the functional circuits used in measurement.
16週 Week 16: End of Semester Examination of 1st
Week 17: Exam Review / Enrichment Class
Exam length: 50 min
1週 Electronic Devices and Functional Circuits for Measurement (3) Learn about functional circuits using operational amplifiers.
2週 Digital Measurement (1) Study the basic concepts of digital measurement.
3週 Digital Measurement (2) Study the basic concepts of digital measurement.
4週 Waveform Study the basics of the oscilloscope.
5週 Frequency and Phase (1) Most electric and electronic phenomena are related to waves. Learn the basics of the mathematics required to handle these phenomena.
6週 Frequency and Phase (2) Learn about frequency spectrum, power spectral density, etc.
7週 Frequency and Phase (3) Learn about phase and the methods for measuring it.
8週 Midterm Examination of 2nd Exam length: 50 min
9週 Noise (1) Learn about noise that appears in electric measurements.
10週 Noise (2) Learn about the various types of noise.
11週 Resonance Understand that resonators fulfill an important role in AC circuit measurements and learn the frequency response of resonant circuits.
12週 Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching (1) Understand distributed constant circuits, which is an important concept in high-frequency circuits.
13週 Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching (2) Learn about transmission lines and impedance matching.
14週 Magnetic Measurement Learn the basics of magnetic measurement.
15週 Comprehensive Review and Exhibit of Electric and Electronic Measurement Summary and supplementary explanations of electric and electronic measurement.
16週 Week 16: End of Semester Examination of 2nd
Week 17: Exam Review / Enrichment Class
Exam length: 50 min




Midterm Examination of 1stEnd of Semester Examination of 1stMidterm Examination of 2ndEnd of Semester Examination of 2nd合計
Basic Proficiency00000
Specialized Proficiency10203040100
Cross Area Proficiency00000