Computer Systems Ⅱ

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2019
Course Title Computer Systems Ⅱ
Course Code 0097 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Electrical and Control Systems Engineering Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials 「2019年度版 基本情報技術者標準教科書」オーム社
Instructor Sato Keisuke

Course Objectives

At the compiletion of this cource, students will be able to
1) Can acquire knowledge about computer basic theory and can calculate the knowledge.
2) Can understand algorithms and programming.
3) Can understand the configuration of the computer system and can evaluate the performance of the system.
4) Can learn the principles of networks and databases, and understand the operation method.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Students can acquire knowledge about computer basic theory.can understand and calculate binary numbers and how to represent characters.Can understand how to represent binary numbers and characters.Can't understand how to represent binary numbers and characters.
Students can understand algorithms and programming.Can understand the structure of data and can implement various algorithms.Can understand various algorithms.Can't understand various algorithms.
Students can understands the composition of the computer system.Can understand the configuration of the computer system and can evaluate the performance of the system.can understands the composition of the computer system.can't understands the composition of the computer system.
Students can understand the network and database structure and can use it correctly.Can understand the network and database structure and can design the system.Can understand the network and database structure and can use it correctly.Can't understand the network and database structure.

Assigned Department Objectives

学習・教育到達度目標 A-6 See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(c) See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(d)(1) See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(e) See Hide
ディプロマポリシー 1 See Hide

Teaching Method

Based on the level of information technology examiner's examination, we have the basic knowledge and skills necessary for becoming advanced IT human resources and acquire practical ability to utilize.
1) Since the content of the lesson is in line with basic information technician examination, we encourage students to take this exam.
2) Provide teaching materials of PowerPoint as e-Learnig teaching materials as a reference material of class.
3) Since we will impose an e-Learning test for home learning after the class, students should do it by the next lesson.
The lesson plans may be changed according to the degree of understanding of students.

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance on information related qualifications
2nd Computer basic theory (1) learn data representation and operation, set and logical operation, computer applied mathematics.
3rd Computer basic theory (2) learn the theory on information communication and the theory on control
4th Algorithms and Programming (1) learn about flowcharts, data structures, and basic algorithms.
5th Algorithms and Programming (2) learn about programming and programming languages
6th Computer component learn about processors, memory, auxiliary storage, and input / output architecture
7th System components learn about system configuration and performance evaluation
8th Intermediate test
2nd Quarter
9th Software (1) learn about system and type related to software, functions of OS, and file management
10th Software (2) learn about language processing programs, development programs, etc.
11th Database learn about database model, analysis method, relationship model
12th Network (1) learn about computer network architecture, OSI reference model and TCP/IP.
13th Network (2) learn about LAN, WAN, Internet and related knowledge.
14th Security learn about information security technology, measures and implementation techniques
15th Final exam
16th Examination answer and questionnaire

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability0000000
Technical Ability10000000100
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000