Operating System Ⅱ

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2022
Course Title Operating System Ⅱ
Course Code 0107 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 1
Department Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 1
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials
Instructor Shinkai Junko,Akiguchi Shunsuke

Course Objectives

Through this course, understanding of the following will be facilitated.
(1) The roles of process scheduling and Inter-process synchronization function
(2) The overview of memory allocation algorithms and virtual memory
(3) The mechanism of network control and security system


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Clearly understands the roles of process scheduling and Inter-process synchronization function.Understands the roles of process scheduling and Inter-process synchronization function.Lack of understanding of the roles of process scheduling and Inter-process synchronization function.
Evaluation 2Clearly understands the overview of memory allocation algorithms and virtual memory.Understands the overview of memory allocation algorithms and virtual memory.Lack of understanding of the overview of memory allocation algorithms and virtual memory.
Evaluation 3Clearly understands the mechanism of network control and security system.Understands the mechanism of network control and security system.Lack of understanding of the mechanism of network control and security system.

Assigned Department Objectives

MCCコア科目   See Hide
JABEE B3 See Hide
ディプロマポリシー 1 See Hide

Teaching Method

To understand basic matters for key concepts of interfaces and operating principles.
For the purpose of understanding the operating system, lectures and exercises facilitate the learning of principles and examples.
The recognition of credit requires 60 points or more rating.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance Guidance: Discuss the goals and structure of this course.
2nd Process management -1- Learn about the details of process scheduler and process scheduling algorithm.
3rd Process management -2- Explain threads and multiprocessors.
4th Multiple process -1- You can explain the generation and annihilation of multiple processes, multiple threads, processes.
5th Multiple process -2- You can explain the synchronization function, communication, deadlock between processes.
6th Memory management -1- Explain the outline of memory management.
7th Memory management -2- Explain the memory allocation algorithms.
8th Midterm exam Midterm
2nd Quarter
9th Virtual memory -1- Explain the outline of virtual memory.
10th Virtual memory -2- You can explain address translation, paging, memory scheduling.
11th Network control -1- Explain the outline of the communication interface.
12th Network control -2- You can explain client / server method, distributed OS.
13th Security and trust -1- You can explain OS safety.
14th Security and trust -2- Explain the outline of network security.
15th Final exam Final examination
16th Summary Summarize the study content and confirm grades.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability0000000
Technical Ability70000300100
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000