

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 総合英語Ⅰ
科目番号 0004 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 国際ビジネス学科 対象学年 1
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Pro-vision English Communication Ⅰ New Edition(桐原書店),チャンクで英単語Advanced(三省堂)
担当教員 ストーリー マーク


1. Read basic English passages about various topics as well as exchange their opinions in English.
2. Understand how basic grammar works in English.
3. Be able to summarize and and explain content in English.




ディプロマポリシー 3 説明 閉じる


This course aims to develop students' reading proficiency in English. The main textbook for this course is organized around reading passages about various topics as well as key grammatical features that are essential for reading comprehension. Therefore, the instructional emphasis is placed on reading skills such as reading for the main idea and reading for details. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to engage with communication in English.
The class will be conducted in English. When introducing new materials or understanding the main idea, English will be a main vehicle for communication. 80% of the assessment is based on the regular paper-based exams and 20% is based on vocabulary tests conducted every week.
Students are encouraged to study for the vocabulary test every week. Students should score more than 60 on average in order to pass the course. If they fail the course, students are eligible to retake the exam.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Lesson 1: The Power of Vision and Hard Work Introduction to the course objectives and assessment criteria.
2週 Lesson 1: The Power of Vision and Hard Work Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
3週 Lesson 1: The Power of Vision and Hard Work Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
4週 Lesson 1: The Power of Vision and Hard Work Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
5週 Lesson 2: Oh Bento! Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
6週 Lesson 2: Oh Bento! Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
7週 Lesson 2: Oh Bento! Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
8週 Lesson 2: Oh Bento! Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
9週 Lesson 3: The Sky's Your Only Limit Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
10週 Lesson 3: The Sky's Your Only Limit Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
11週 Lesson 3: The Sky's Your Only Limit Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
12週 Lesson 3: The Sky's Your Only Limit Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
13週 Lesson 4: Beavers, Engineers of the Forest Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
14週 Lesson 4: Beavers, Engineers of the Forest Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
15週 FINAL Test covering contents from class.
16週 Evaluation and Feedback Review of contents from class.
1週 Lesson 4: Beavers, Engineers of the Forest Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
2週 Lesson 4: Beavers, Engineers of the Forest Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
3週 Lesson 5 Chocolate: A Story of Dark and Light Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
4週 Lesson 5 Chocolate: A Story of Dark and Light Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
5週 Lesson 5 Chocolate: A Story of Dark and Light Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
6週 Lesson 5 Chocolate: A Story of Dark and Light Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
7週 Lesson 6: The Power of Music to Change Young Lives Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
8週 MIDTERM Test covering contents from class.
9週 Lesson 6: The Power of Music to Change Young Lives Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
10週 Lesson 6: The Power of Music to Change Young Lives Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
11週 Lesson 6: The Power of Music to Change Young Lives Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
12週 Lesson 7: Talking Plants Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
13週 Lesson 7: Talking Plants Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
14週 Lesson 7: Talking Plants Students are able to listen to and read the main main text with adequate understanding.
15週 FINAL Test covering contents from class.
16週 Evaluation and Feedback Review of contents from class.




期末試験 1中間試験 2 期末試験 2単語のテスト合計