Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2021
Course Title Arts
Course Code 0026 Course Category General / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of International Business Student Grade 1st
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials
Instructor Yamamoto Yuki,Takahata Nobuo

Course Objectives

Students will have experiences that foster aesthetic judgment, aesthetic appreciation, human understanding, and a spirit of research. Students will develop the ability to use their imagination and create sensitive images. Students will develop the ability to think creatively and original, to elaborate while expressing, and to challenge and devise materials and forms.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1 Interest, motivation, and attitudeDeeply observe and understand each subject matter, and be able to create in a planned manner.Understand each subject matter and be able to create in a planned manner.Each subject is not well understood and not systematically produced.
Achievement 2 Artistic sensitization and expressionDeeply observe and understand each subject, and devise ways to express them.Understand and express each subject.Lack of understanding of each subject and lack of creativity in expression.
Achievement 3 Skills of creative expressionDeeply observe and understand each subject, and be able to express oneself in an original way.Understands each subject and expresses himself/herself accurately.Poor understanding of each subject and lack of original expression.

Assigned Department Objectives

ディプロマポリシー 3 See Hide

Teaching Method

Through a wide range of art activities, students will enrich their artistic experiences, develop a love of art, enhance their sensitivity, and develop their ability to express themselves creatively and appreciate art.
Although the focus is on expression, a minimum level of art history knowledge is necessary as general basic knowledge, and the ability to look at art history as a whole is useful for expression and appreciation.
Express your thoughts and feelings based on your individuality through shapes, colors, materials, etc., regardless of whether you are good or bad at it. Create works that only you can express, works that are unique in the world. Use tools correctly, handle them carefully and clean them up, whether they are your own or loaned to you.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Guidance 
Pencil sketching "Drawing hands"
To understand that there are various kinds of expression in art, and that each has its own merits and flavors.
To understand that there are various types of expression in art, and that each has its own merits and flavors. ・To capture the expressions of one's own hands and devise ways to express them while observing them.
2nd Pencil sketching "Drawing hands" Deeply observe the subject, and express it by grasping its form, lightness, darkness, volume, texture, etc.
Critique after completion.
3rd Pencil sketch "Self-Portrait" Students will look at themselves from both the outside and the inside and decide what they want to draw. Critique after completion.
4th Fundamentals of Lettering Learn about and create Mincho and Gothic typefaces. After completion, students will receive a critique.
5th Application of lettering Learn and create a variety of European typefaces, creative characters, and symbols. Critiques will be given after completion.
6th Draw a botanical picture Observe and draw the plants carefully.
7th Draw a botanical picture Critiques will be given after completion.
8th Color composition and design Learn about the properties and effects of colors and develop ideas for shapes and compositions. Make images concrete through repeated rough sketches.
4th Quarter
9th Color composition and design Find a specific theme for visual communication and draw it. Think about the contrast of colors and the harmony and rhythm of shapes, and express them. Critique after completion.
10th Poster Design Compose a picture while considering formative elements such as contrast, balance, and rhythm.
11th Poster Design Use drawing materials other than acrylic paints. Using a tablet is also acceptable.
12th Poster Design Critiques will be given after completion.
13th Illustration "Free assignment" Watercolors, acrylics, and other drawing materials will be used. Modern techniques such as collage are also acceptable.
14th Illustration "Free assignment" Watercolors, acrylics, and other drawing materials will be used. Modern techniques such as collage are also acceptable.
15th Illustration "Free assignment" Critiques will be given after completion.
16th Critique of the work
Grading and confirmation
Self-evaluation of your own work. Confirmation of attendance and submission of work.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency050030200100
Specialized Proficiency0000000
Cross Area Proficiency0000000