Comprehensive English Ⅳ

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2021
Course Title Comprehensive English Ⅳ
Course Code 0099 Course Category General / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 1
Department Department of International Business Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 1
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials English Indicator 4 Vital Business Rules (Nan'un-do)
Instructor Shishido Kimiko

Course Objectives

By reading short esseays about business scenes and based on the information wrtten in them, students can practice reading and making summaries, and expand their knowledge about people from various cultural backgrounds.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1 Reading comprehensitonA student can understand the contents of essays without help of keywords.A student can understand the outline of essays using the provided keywords.A student cannot understand the outlines of essays even with keywords.
Achievement 2 Vocaburary and GrammarA student already has enough vocaburary to unerstand the contents of essays, and he/she can use Engish grammar correctly.A student has some basic vocabularies related to the content of each unit. He/She can use English grammar almost correctly, but makes some mistales.A student does not have enough vocabularies to understand the contents of essasys. He/She also makes many grammar mistakes.
Achievement 3 Listening comprehension and speakingA student can understand a short conversation in each unit by listening it. He/She can make his/her own dialogues based on the text examples.A student can understand a short conversation in each unit by listening it. He/she can memorise and recite the dialogue.A student cannot understand a short conversation in each unit well by listening it.

Assigned Department Objectives

ディプロマポリシー 3 See Hide

Teaching Method

- Understanding some situations where cultural differences may cause troubles between Japanese people and non-Japanese people in business through reading essays in the textbook. IN lessons, students are asked to use four basic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) of English learning to improve their English competence.
- Basically a lecture-type lesson led by the teacher. - Students study each unit in three lessons: (i) reading an essay; (ii) making a summary and practice English composition; and (iii) challenging extra reading, listening practices and dialogue practices. - While reading an essay, students are asked to summarize the contents. - English grammar is reviewed while composition practices. - Dialogues in the textbook are used both for listening practices and speaking practices by acting them out. - Some homework assignments are given time by time.
- The students should prepare for each lesson (which page of the textbook is covered will be announced in advance). - Keep the deadline of assignments. - Students can get a credit of this class by taking 60 points as a final grade. Any student whose final point is less than 60, he/she can take an makeup exam upon request. When the score of his/her makeup exam is high enough, he/she can get a credit of this class with the final points of 60.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance, Unit 1 It's a pleasure to meet you(essay reading) Reading an essay and understand the outline of it (Greeting)
2nd Unit 1 It's a pleasure to meet you(summary, composition) Making a summary of the essay and considering various expression styles though compostion practices
3rd Unit 1 It's a pleasure to meet you(more reading, listening) Reviewing cultural differences, and practicing listening and speaking
4th Unit 2 Business English(essay reading) Reading an essay and understand the outline of it (English,the int'l language)
5th Unit 2 Business English(summary, compostion) Making a summary of the essay and considering various expression styles though compostion practices
6th Unit 2 Business English(more reading, listening) Reviewing cultural differences, and practicing listening and speaking
7th review 1 extra reading practice Reading an authentic material (taken from a newspaper or web news) related to the topics of Unite 1 and 2
8th mid-term exam Reading/compostion/ grammar test based on what is covered in Unit 1 and 2
2nd Quarter
9th Unit 3 Culture Skills(essay reading) Reading an essay and understand the outline of it (Cultural differences)
10th Unit 3 Culture Skills(summary, compostion) Making a summary of the essay and considering various expression styles though compostion practices
11th Unit 3 Culture Skills(more reading, listening) Reviewing cultural differences, and practicing listening and speaking
12th Unit 4 More than Just Words(essay reading) Reading an essay and understand the outline of it (Gesture)
13th Unit 4 More than Just Words(summary, composition) Making a summary of the essay and considering various expression styles though compostion practices
14th Unit 4 More than Just Words(more reading, listening) Reviewing cultural differences, and practicing listening and speaking
15th final exam Reviewing the lessons after the mid-term exam
16th review Returning the final exams and reviewing the entire classes

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency60000040100
Specialized Proficiency0000000
Cross Area Proficiency0000000