Finance and Insurance Theory Ⅰ

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2022
Course Title Finance and Insurance Theory Ⅰ
Course Code 0126 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 1
Department Department of International Business Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 1
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Appropriate instructions
Instructor Shiomi Kosuke

Course Objectives

1. I understand the characteristics of financial transactions.
2. I can understand the supply and demand of currency.
3. Understanding of derivative / securitization · monetary policy.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Can explain the characteristics of financial transaction in detail.Can explain the characteristics of financial transactions.Can not explain the characteristics of financial transactions.
Evaluation 2Can explain in detail the supply and demand of currency.Can explain the demand and supply of currency.Can not explain the demand and supply of currency.
Evaluation 3Can explain Derivatives · the securitization · monetary policy in detail.Can explain Derivatives · the securitization · monetary policy.Can not explain Derivatives · the securitization · monetary policy.

Assigned Department Objectives

ディプロマポリシー 1 See Hide

Teaching Method

In this lecture, based on accounting subjects such as Introduction to Commerce Ⅰ · Ⅱ, Introduction to Economics Ⅰ · Ⅱ etc., which you have learned so far, you should acquire applied skill to apply fundamental knowledge on finance to real economic problems.
First, learn about the features of financial transactions and further deepen their understanding of settlement systems, currency supply and demand, and financial markets. Finally, through understanding of deliverables, securitization, monetary policy, financial insecurity problems after the collapse of the bubble, understand the importance of the interdependence of the real aspects of the economy and finance.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Orientation Describe the syllabus, content of lesson, method of evaluation and so on.
2nd Significance and fundamental function of money Ⅰ Learn about the circumstances of money formation and its function.
3rd Significance and fundamental function of money Ⅱ Learn about the circumstances of money formation and its function.
4th Basic functions and roles of bank Ⅰ Learn about the basic functions and roles of banks.
5th Basic functions and roles of bank Ⅱ Learn about the basic functions and roles of banks.
6th Government and central bank Ⅰ Learn about the role of banks and the impact on the financial markets by government intervention.
7th Government and central bank Ⅱ Learn about the role of banks and the impact on the financial markets by government intervention.
8th Midterm test Based on the class contents so far, we will conduct midterm exams.
2nd Quarter
9th Management resources and companies Ⅰ Learn how to set up a corporation and handling stocks.
10th Management resources and companies Ⅱ Learn how to understand management resources in companies.
11th Management resources and companies Ⅲ Learn the essence of management resources in companies.
12th M & A strategy and corporate value Ⅰ Learn about basic rules and acquisitions in stock trading etc.
13th M & A strategy and corporate value Ⅱ Learn using case examples on corporate acquisition methods and others.
14th M & A strategy and corporate value Ⅲ Learn using case examples on corporate takeover defense methods and others.
15th Final exam We conduct final exams based on all class contents so far.
16th Returning answers and explanations. We will return the examination of the final exams and confirm the results, and explain the answers.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability75002500100