Chinese Expression Ⅱ

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2021
Course Title Chinese Expression Ⅱ
Course Code 0140 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Seminar Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of International Business Student Grade 4th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials 馮誼光他『グループ方式で学ぶ中国語中級編』東方書店、『中国語検定HSK公式過去問集4級』スプリックス
Instructor Ebihara Tsuyoshi

Course Objectives

1. Students can use Chinese grammar properly in reading Chinese sentences.
2. Students can explain words, idioms, syntax and expressions that frequently appear in reading Chinese sentences.
3. Students can read Chinese sentences correctly using a dictionary.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Can use Chinese grammar properly in reading Chinese sentences almost perfectly.Can use Chinese grammar properly in reading Chinese sentences correctly.Can't use Chinese grammar properly in reading Chinese sentences correctly.
Evaluation 2Can explain words, idioms, syntax and expressions that frequently appear in reading Chinese sentences almost perfectly.Can explain words, idioms, syntax and expressions that frequently appear in reading Chinese sentences correctly.Can't explain words, idioms, syntax and expressions that frequently appear in reading Chinese sentences correctly.
Evaluation 3Can read Chinese sentences correctly using a dictionary almost perfectly.Can read Chinese sentences correctly using a dictionary correctly.Can't read Chinese sentences correctly using a dictionary correctly.

Assigned Department Objectives

ディプロマポリシー 1 See Hide

Teaching Method

In this course, we aim to systematically learn grammar and syntax that are the basis of Chinese and acquire the ability to apply them correctly in text reading.
Students will practice reading comprehension to understand how to use the acquired grammatical and vocabulary skills for reading sentences. In addition, we will provide opportunities to increase students' understanding of China's situation to assist in reading and writing. In addition, we will also include exercises to solve HSK to confirm Chinese achievement.
Students whose evaluation is less than 60 points can be subject to the approval test by request. For students who are allowed to acquire a unit as a result of the approval test, the evaluation is set to 60 points.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Guidance
Reading a Chinese story
Understand the essences of the course.
Read and understand a Chinese story.
2nd Chapter 33 The interlocking sentences
Reading exercises
Understand and explain Chinese interlocking sentences.
Read a Chinese story fluently.
3rd Outline of contemporary China
HSK exercises
Explain the basic information of contemporary China.
Solve HSK exercises.
4th Chapter 1 China's geography and population (1)
HSK exercises
Understand the Chinese terms and the background of China's geography and population.
Solve HSK exercises.
5th Chapter 1 China's geography and population (2)
HSK exercises
Understand a Chinese article of China's geography and population in basic level.
Solve HSK exercises.
6th Chapter 1 China's geography and population (3)
HSK exercises
Solve the advanced questions of China's geography and population.
Solve HSK exercises.
7th Review exercises Solve exercises.
8th Midterm exam
4th Quarter
9th Returning the answer sheet
Chapter 5 China's youth (1)
Understand the Chinese terms and the background of China's youth.
10th Chapter 5 China's youth (2) Understand a Chinese article of China's youth in basic level.
11th Chapter 5 China's youth (3) Understand a Chinese article of China's youth in advanced level.
12th Chapter 5 China's youth (4) Sovlve the advanced questions of China's youth.
13th Chapter 6 The differences of life style between Japan and China (1) Understand the Chinese terms and the background of the differences of life style between Japan and China.
14th Chapter 6 The differences of life style between Japan and China (2) Understand a Chinese article of China's youth in basic level.
15th Final exam
16th Returning the answer sheet
Questionnaire survey for the class

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationQuizMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioHomeworkTotal
Basic Ability0000000
Technical Ability0000000
Interdisciplinary Ability801000010100