
Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2020
Course Title 実験実習Ⅰ
Course Code 0095 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Experiment / Practical training Credits School Credit: 3
Department Department of Maritime Technology Student Grade 3rd
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 6
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials
Instructor Mizutani Junnosuke,Kyoden Tomoaki,Yamada Keisuke,Yamamoto Keiichiro,Homae Tomotaka, ,Nomura Makoto,Matsumura Shigemi

Course Objectives

You can understand the theory learned in the lecture by experiments.
For developing the qualities to acquire the experiments and practical training to be carried out respectively, and ensure that the duties as a ship enginer can be carried out in the future.
You must report on the contents of the experimental practice.
Overall goal is to reach more than 60 points.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1 You can understand the theory learned in the lecture through experiments.You can understand the theory learned in the lecture through experiments.You can explain the theory learned in a lecture through experiments.You can not explain the theory I learned in a lecture through experiments.
Evaluation 2 You can understand the qualities necessary to ensure that duties as a shipping agency can be executed reliablyYou can understand the qualifications to ensure that your duties as a ship engineer can be executed reliably.You can explain the qualities for ensuring the execution of duties as a shipping agency.You can not explain the qualities for ensuring the execution of duties as a ship operator.
Evaluation 3 You can report on the contents of the experimental practice.You can accurately report on the content of experimental practice.You can report on the contents of the experimental practice.You can not report on the content of experimental practice.

Assigned Department Objectives

MCCコア科目   See Hide

Teaching Method

You demonstrate the theory learned through lectures by experiments and acquire understanding and utilization techniques of measuring equipment and tools. In the first half, about 10 students in 1 group will be
conducting 3 to 4 items at the same time as another group with about 5 members.
We actively instruct students on things they do not understand, such as how to write reports, and instruct them so that they can make presentations and so on.
Ships' officers training facility required course CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY, Third Grade Maritime Officer (Engineering)
1. Courses on Agencies (Part 1)
Ⅰ Output device
(1) Principle of operation (2) Operation and maintenance
Ⅱ Propeller device
(1) Operating principle (2) Operation and maintenance

2. Institution-related subjects (Part 2)
Ⅰ Auxiliary machine
(1) Principle of operation (2) Operation and maintenance
Ⅱ Electrical engineering, electronics and electrical equipment
(1) Basic theory (2) Operation, testing and maintenance

3. Subjects concerning institutions (Part 3)
Ⅰ Characteristics of fuel and lubricant
Ⅱ Thermodynamics
Ⅲ Dynamics and fluid dynamics

4. General office
Ⅳ Safety of shipboard work

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Guidance
Information processing practical training
To understand about the course of experimental practice courses
To understand how to write reports
To understand information processing practice
2nd Electrical and electronic experiment and Wakasa Maru training To understand electroelectronic experiments and Waka otoshimaru practice
Dividing into 2 groups and practice on the left
3rd Introduction to the institution and marine practice To understand the introduction of the institution and marine practice
Dividing into 2 groups and practice on the left
4th Ship engineering practical training and fire extinguishing training To understand ship engineering practice and fire fighting course
Dividing into 2 groups and practice on the left
5th Electrical and electronic experiment and Wakasa Maru practical training To understand electroelectronic experiments and Waka otoshimaru practice
Dividing into 2 groups and practice on the left
6th Introduction to navigation and mechanics experiment To understand the voyage and the mechanics experiment
Dividing into 2 groups and practice on the left
7th Report sorting
Disassembly assembly practice and material mechanics experiment and mathematics exercise
To make Report
To understand disassembly assembly practice, material mechanics experiment and mathematics exercise
Dividing into 3 groups and practice on the left
8th Disassembly and assembly practice, material mechanics experiments, electric relay experiments and mathematics exercises To understand disassembly assembly practice, material mechanics experiment, electric relay experiment and mathematics exercise
Divide into 3 groups and practice on the left
4th Quarter
9th Disassembly and assembly practice and material mechanics experiments and mathematics exercises To uderstand disassembly assembly practice, material mechanics experiment and mathematics exercise
Dividing into 3 groups and practice on the left
10th Disassembly and assembly practice and electric relay experiments
Internal combustion engine practice, heat transfer
experiments, oil experiments
To understand disassembly assembling practice, electric relay experiment, internal combustion engine practice, heat transfer experiment, oil experiment
Dividing into 3 groups and practice on the left
11th Internal combustion engine practice, heat transfer experiments, oil experiments "To understand internal combustion engine practice, heat transfer experiment, oil experiment
Dividing into 3 groups and practice on the left"
12th Internal combustion engine practice, heat transfer experiments, oil experiments "To understand internal combustion engine practice, heat transfer experiment, oil experiment
Dividing into 3 groups and practice on the left"
13th Mechanical experiments (moment of inertia) To understand mechanics experiment (moment of inertia)
14th Chief Response Factory tour in prefecture
Auditor's presentation audit
15th Chief Response To make report
16th Chief Response
Grade evaluation / confirmation

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability0000000
Technical Ability350000035
Interdisciplinary Ability3500300065