Engineering Seminar

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2022
Course Title Engineering Seminar
Course Code 0102 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Experiment / Practical training Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Maritime Technology Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials
Instructor Kyoden Tomoaki,Yamada Keisuke,Yamamoto Keiichiro,Homae Tomotaka,Matsumura Shigemi,Kobayashi Dai,Seino Yoshiaki,Yamatani Naohiro,Ikeno Kazunari

Course Objectives

1. Can perform the research as planned and summarize it.
2. Can understand the research background and objectives.
3. Can survey the related references.
4. Can analyze the experimental results and understand the phenomena.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Can perform the research as planned and sumarize it.Can perform the research as planned.Cannot perform the research as planned.
Evaluation 2Can understand the research background and objectives.Can explain the research background and objectives.Cannot explain the research background and objectives.
Evaluation 3Can survey the related references properly.Can survey the related references properly.Cannot survey the related references.
Evaluation 4Can analyze the experimental results and understand the phenomena.Can analyze the experimental results and explain the phenomena.Cannot analyze the experimental results and explain the phenomena.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

To perform the research for the graduation thesis in 5th grade, students choose a supervisor, depending on the research field. The basic knowledge in that research field is acquired from the supervisor.
The class consists of lectures and exercises by a faculty member.
The recognition of credit requires 60 points or more rating. If the rating is lower than 60 points and the student has unavoidable reasons, additional problems are required to solve upon request. The result of the additional problems is enough to recognise the credit, the credit is recognised and the score is 60 points.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Orientation. Understanding of outline of the research topic. Understanding how to use the lablratory.
2nd Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
3rd Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
4th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
5th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
6th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
7th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
8th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
2nd Quarter
9th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
10th Seminar, experiment, etc. Lerning of the fundamental knowledge and skills for the research. Survey, seminar, problem setting, plan, research, and report.
11th Writing the paper. Writing a draft of the paper.
Writing an abstract.
12th Writing the paper. Writing a draft of the paper.
Writing an abstract.
13th Presentation preparation. Preparation of the presenntation materials.
Practice of the presentation.
14th Presentation preparation. Preparation of the presenntation materials.
Practice of the presentation.
15th Presentation. Presentation and listining to other students' presentation.
16th Report preparation. Submitting the report.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability040000040
Technical Ability020000020
Interdisciplinary Ability0200200040