

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 総合英語Ⅳ
科目番号 0115 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 商船学科 対象学年 4
開設期 前期 週時間数 1
担当教員 リ オリガ


To introduce “Test-taking Strategies” for each section of the TOEIC test and to build students’ confidence
in reading and listening, especially in topics covered in the textbook.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1 Understanding of English GrammarStudent clearly understands English Grammar covered in the textbook.Student partially understands English Grammar covered in the textbook.Student is unable to understands English Grammar covered in the textbook.
Achievement 2 Command of English GrammarStudent can always provide a precise answer to a question concerning Grammar in the textbook.Student can often provide a precise answer to a question concerning Grammar in the textbook.Student can not provide a precise answer to a question concerning Grammar in the textbook.
Achievement 3 ReadingStudent clearly understands Reading covered in the textbook.Student partially understands Reading covered in the textbook.Student is unable to understands Reading covered in the textbook.
Achievement 4 ListeningStudent clearly understands Listening covered in the textbook.Student partially understands Listening covered in the textbook.Student is unable to understands Listening covered in the textbook.
Achievement 5 Attitude in classStudent is a very active and good participant.Student is a good participant.Student is a poor participant.


MCCコア科目   説明 閉じる


Students will learn various useful strategies to cope with questions concerning Grammar, Reading and Listening in each Unit of the textbook. Students will be given a chance to work individually, in pairs and small groups. Active participating in all activities and tasks would help students improve their English skills for taking TOEIC test. Don't be afraid of making mistakes in class.
Teacher-class, teacher-small groups, teacher- student active learning format
Students will need to review and preview materials, according to Teacher’s directions. Students are expected to participate in every class and each activity or task. This syllabus is subject to change.
Students can take makeup exam in need aid up to maximum of 60 points.
Students are required to prepare for the class in advance
and review the materials after the class in order to fully understand the class content.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 explanation of syllabus, "checklist" registration, Pre-Test introduction to course, checking students' TOEIC score at the beginning of the course
2週 Unit 2 Daily life (Grammar: parts of speech, present progressive/Reading: emails/ Listening: present progressive) Grammar: by the end of the lesson students will be better able to distinguish and use target grammar
Listening: students will be better able to listen specific information for target content
Reading: students will be better able to read target passages/emails for detail
3週 Unit 3 Airport (Review test/Grammar: tenses/Reading: ads and service introduction/ Listening: conversation at an airport) same as above
4週 Unit 4 Traffic (Review test/Grammar: intransitive and transitive verbs/Reading: announcement/ Listening: announcement) same as above
5週 Unit 5 Hotel (Review test/Grammar: subject-verb agreement/Reading: survey/ Listening: describing people, Wh-questions) same as above
6週 Unit 6 Bank(Review test/Grammar: passive voice/Reading: newspaper articles/ Listening: describing people, problems solving) same as above
7週 Unit 7 Office (Review test/Grammar: infinitive and gerund forms/Reading: telephone message/ Listening: business speech, There is/There are) same as above
8週 Midterm Test & Unit 8 Meeting (Grammar: participles/Reading: memorandum/ Listening: describing two or more people) midterm test (unit 2-7)
9週 Unit 9 Employment(Review test/Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns/Reading: job advertisement/ Listening: words with similar pronunciation, conversation) same as above
10週 Unit 10 Factory (Review test/Grammar: pronouns/Reading: product recall/ Listening: factory tour) same as above
11週 Unit 11 Order (Review test/Grammar: relatives/Reading: complaint/ Listening:positions, tag questions) same as above
12週 Unit 12 Contract (Review test/Grammar: conjunctions and prepositions/Reading: application form/ Listening: conversation and key words) same as above
13週 Unit 13 Business (Review test/Grammar:comparison/Reading: telephone message/ Listening: event announcement) same as above
14週 Unit 14 Health (Review test/Grammar: subjunctive/Reading: job advertisement and email inquiry/ Listening: vehicles and declaratives) same as above
15週 Final Test final test (unit 8-14)
16週 Review Explanation of Evaluation, total evaluation of the course




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Proficiency500000050
Specialized Proficiency500000050
Cross Area Proficiency0000000