Maritime English Ⅱ(Navigation)

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2023
Course Title Maritime English Ⅱ(Navigation)
Course Code 0147 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Maritime Technology Student Grade 5th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials (English and Japanese)IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases, Supervised by Maritime Bureau - MLIT , SEIZANDO
Instructor Nunome Akihiro

Course Objectives

1. To acquire the basic standard maritime English required for ship operation.
2. To communicate navigational information using Standard Marine Communication Phrases.
3. To acquire communication skills in maritime English


Ideal Level of AchievementStandard Level of AchievementUnacceptable Level of Achievement)
Evaluation 1Can understand and exlpain technical English well.Can understand and explain technical english.Cannot understand technical English
Evaluation 2Can communicate navigational information using IMO SMCPCan understand IMO SMCP and communicate navigational information in English.Cannot communicate navigational infromation in English.
Evaluation 3Can converse well in maritime English.Can converse in maritime English.Cannot converse in maritime English.

Assigned Department Objectives

MCCコア科目   See Hide

Teaching Method

Cultivate professional english knowledge and communication skills required as ship's officer.
Lecture and exercise by the teacher.

Preparatory study: Review and prepare for the previous lecture before class.
To come to the meeting
(Learning outside of class, in advance) Prepare for the class content.
(Outside of class, after class) Solve assignments related to the class content.
This is the "Advanced Navigation English" course of the national qualification acquisition requirement.
If you don't get the credits for this lecture, you cannot graduate.
It is evaluated comprehensively by the periodic exam (about 70%), the report task and small exam (about 30%).

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance and lecture on general and basic of SMCP (1) Explaine lecture policies, schedules, methods and so on.
Understand the general of SMCP (1)
2nd Lecture on general and basic of SMCP (2) Understand the general of SMCP (2)
3rd On-board communication phrases Understand the SMCP about briefing on position, movement and draught
4th On-board communication phrases Understand the SMCP about oparative ship handring, standard wheel orders, standard engine orders and handing over the watch
5th External communication and on-board communication about anchoring Understand the SMCP about Anchoring and leaving anchorage
6th Arrival, berthing and departure Understand the SMCP about Arrival, berthing and departure
7th Pilotage / Pilot on the bridge Understand the SMCP about Pilotage / Pilot on the bridge
8th Midterm exam Test understanding of contents from 1st week to 7th week.
2nd Quarter
9th Communication with Vessel Traffic service (VTS) Understand the SMCP about VTS standard phrases
10th Standard GMDSS messages
Distress communication
Understand and use the SMCP about distress message
11th Search and rescue communication Understand and use the SMCP about search and rescue communication
12th Urgency traffic and safty communications / standard urgency message and standard safty message / phrases for communication with emergency services and allied services Understand and use the SMCP about safty of a vessel (other than distress)
13th Navigational warnings involving meteorological and hydrological conditions Understand and use the SMCP about navigational warnings involving , meteorological and hydrological conditions
14th Exercise (listening, writing and speaking) Listen the SMCP, and write it correctly.
Tell others (other ship or VTS) about the situation by using SMCP
15th Final exam
16th Return exam papers to students. Commentary
Confirm evaluation
Questionnaire about lecture
Return exam papers to students. Commentary
Confirm evaluation
Questionnaire about lecture

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Ability3000001040
Technical Ability4000002060
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000