Numerical Analysis

Course Information

College Toyama College Year 2022
Course Title Numerical Analysis
Course Code 0034 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 2
Department ECOdesign Engineering Course Student Grade Adv. 2nd
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials 計算力学 有限要素法の基礎,日本計算工学会,竹内則雄,樫山和男,寺田賢二郎
Instructor Shirakawa Hidemi

Course Objectives

Through this course, understanding of the following will be facilitated
1. finite element method (FEM)
2. matrix structural analysis
3. solid mechanics
4. heat transfer
5. fluid mechanics


Finite element method (FEM)Clearly understands finite element method (FEM), and has the ability to explain FEM in detailAbility to explain FEM in generalUnable to explain FEM in general
Matrix structural analysisClearly understands matrix structural analysis and is able to explain this in detail. Has the ability to carry out collect caluculations on two-dimensional truss structure analysis. Ability to explain matrix structural analysis in general. Can carry out calculations on two-dimensional truss structure analysis. Unable to explain matrix structural analysis in general. Unable to carry out calculations on two-dimensional truss structure analysis.
FEM for elasticity Clearly understands, and is able to carry out fundamental caluculations on elasity by FEM. Ability to understand, and carry out fundamental caluculations on elasity by FEM. Does not display understanding, and is unable to carry out fundamental caluculations on elasity by FEM.
FEM for heat conduction problemClearly understands, and has the ability to carry out fundamental caluculations on heat conduction by FEM. Ability to understand, and carry out fundamental caluculations on heat conduction by FEM. Unable to understand and carry out fundamental caluculations on elasity by FEM.
FEM for flowClearly understands, and able to carry out fundamental caluculations on flow by FEM. Ability to understand, and carry out fundamental caluculations on flow by FEM. Unable to understand and carry out fundamental caluculations on flow by FEM.
FEM for unsteady flow problem Clearly understands, and has the ability to explain the basic caluculation methods on unstady flow problem by FEM in detail. Ability to understand and explain the basic caluculation methods on unstady flow problem by FEM in general. Unable to understand and explain the basic caluculation methods on unstady flow problem by FEM in general.
Numerical analysis using CAD & CAEClearly understands, and able to carry out numerical analysis using CAD/CAE system. Ability to understands and carry out numerical analysis using CAD/CAE system. Does not display understanding and in unable to carry out numerical analysis using CAD/CAE system.

Assigned Department Objectives

学習・教育到達度目標 A-5 See Hide
JABEE 1(2)(c) See Hide

Teaching Method

In this course, you will learn about principles of finite element method (FEM) and difference method and will also learn about physical and mathematical ideas, solution of space-time probrems, discretization procedutes, method of weight residual (MWR), governing equations such as weak formulation, strong formulation. This course will address the thermal conductivity analysis, the stress analysis for elastic body, the numerical analysis for steady and unsteady flow problems using CAD & CAE systems.
For the purpose of understanding the numerical calculation methods such as finite element method (FEM) and difference method, lectures and exercises facilitate the learning of principles and examples.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Introduction of Computational mechanics Can explain the characteristics of numerical analysis method
2nd Matrix structural analysis Can perform numerical analysis of structures
3rd Method of weight residual (MWR) & finite elemet method (FEM) Can explain method of weight residual (MWR) and governing equation (weak form, strong form) using FEM
4th FEM for heat conduction problem Can perform unmerical analysis of one-dimensional heat conduction problems
5th FEM for one-dimensional elasticity Can perform unmerical analysis of one-dimensional elastictiy problems
6th FEM for potential flow Can perform unmerical analysis of potential flow problems
7th Fundamental equations of elasticity Can derive the equations of an elastic body
8th FEM for elasticity(1) Can explain the equations used in FEM and the conditions of plane stress and plane strain
2nd Quarter
9th FEM for elasticity(2) Can explain how to discretize space, shape function and solve equations
10th FEM for elasticity(3) Can explaine the properties of discretized equations and approximate solutions.
11th FEM for unsteady flow problem(1) Can explain time discretization, explicit and implicit FEM and upwind-difference
12th FEM for unsteady flow problem(2) Can explain numerical stability of numerical analysis
13th Numerical analysis using CAD & CAE system(1) Can perform Numerical analysis of heat conduction problems
14th Numerical analysis using CAD & CAE system(2) Can perform Numerical analysis of stress problems
15th Numerical analysis using CAD & CAE system(3) Can perform Numerical analysis of flow problems
16th Summary

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)
