

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 商業英語
科目番号 0018 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 国際ビジネス学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 MBA English, Oxford
担当教員 クーパー トッド


1] Learn vocabulary consistent with modern-day business and management
2] Become proficient at reading, writing, listening and speaking English with regards to business and management
3] Become proficient at using modern-day communicative tools


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Midterm exam80%70%<60%
Book reports4368743656<6/10
PresentationsUnderstood the topic well, could make it easy to understand, added own researchUnderstood the topic, presented the information at an acceptable level, added extra informationDid not exhibit understanding of the topic, added no extra information


ディプロマポリシー B-1 説明 閉じる


Introduction to career-related English used in the workplace. The focus will be on developing students ability to comprehend and communicate their message, with particular emphasis on vocabulary/management techniques/systems used in the workplace of top international companies.
Lectures led by both teacher and students
Seminar-style discussion
Presentations by students
*this syllabus is a "living" document and may be altered to achieve the aims of the course


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Orientation / Management Systems explanation of grading system and goals, intro to management systems eg. PDCA, CAPRA
2週 Cost-benefit analysis, intro to stock exchanges [book report #1 - best manager] introduce cost-benefit analysis, setup a virtual stock exchange account
3週 Key concepts of Marketing and Advertising discuss 4Ps, 3Cs, SWOT types of marketing & advertising campaigns
4週 Commercials and advertising campaigns students & instructor will explain their choices demonstrating knowledge of the 5 ad campaigns
5週 Commercial show and tell [presentation #1] students will present their original commercials
6週 Key concepts of Micro/Macro-economics, [written report #1] differences between micro and macro, supply/demand curve, diminishing returns, etc..
7週 Definition, goals and role of money the history of money from rocks to bitcoin
8週 midterm test assignment of book report #2
9週 Management, Financial and Tax Accounting [presentation #2] students will introduce 2 types of accounting, instructor will report on stock exchange
10週 Corporate Social Responsibility, Transparency [presentation #3] students introduce CSR and management best practices
11週 Organizational Behavior, Decision-making, Management Systems instructor will describe the change from "personal" to "personnel"
12週 Industry Analysis and Competitive Advantage [presentation #4] students will lead the explanation of different industries and companies
13週 The functions of Corporate and Management Communication problems and solutions for better communication, low-context/high-context languages
14週 Creation and sustenance of Global Economies [presentation #5] students will lead the discussion on globalization
15週 Review of the semester a review of what was accomplished in the course
16週 Explanation of final grades




MidtermReports x 2Pres x 5Class/Homework合計
English skill201015550
Communicative ability201015550