

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 健康科学
科目番号 0045 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 国際ビジネス学専攻 対象学年 専2
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
担当教員 大橋 千里


(1)Deepen understanding of exercise phisiology
(2)Subjective recognition of health promotion utilizing own deta, amount of daily physical activity
(3)Bring up qualification for creation and action a scientific exercise program fitting own lifestyles


評価項目1We can understand deeply about health problems in Japan from the modern social background and think about solutions.We can understand enough about health problems in Japan from the modern social background.We can't understand enough about health problems in Japan from the modern social background.
評価項目2We can grasp independently about lifelong health promotion from own data of health and physical activities.We can understand enough about necessity of lifelong health promotion from own data of health and physical activities.We can't understand enough about necessity of lifelong health promotion from own data of health and physical activities.
評価項目3We can make an exercise program fitting own lifestyles along the physical activity guideline 2013 and pursue the program.We can make an exercise program fitting own lifestyles along the physical activity guideline 2013.We can't make an exercise program fitting own lifestyles along the physical activity guideline 2013.



Students understand physiological effects that exercises are influential in health promotion and fitness levels. Furthermore Students acquire the ability to make exercise program fitting own lifestyle and act the program. Through the actions, students are expected to be engineers who lead a healthy life in the future.
One of the mail modern diseases, Lifestyle Diseases are related to lifestyle [physical activities, nutrition, rest and stress etc.]. Especially, exercise and physical activities rise fitness levels and promote health. Therefore the classes are provide knowledges about exercise and health.

The classes are enforced 3 experimentations or practices and a measurement of the amount of physical activities using a pedometer. Finally a student have a presentation for 10 minutes sbout own health promotion program in the last class.
Students should wear clothes fitting exercise or sports when a class is enfoeced a experimentation or practice.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Orientation We take an explanation of the syllabuse.
2週 Execution and Estimation of Simple Fitness Test We take a simple stamina test and estimate own fitness level.
3週 Concept about Health(1) We study a basic health concept.
4週 Concept about Health(2) We study a practical health concept.
5週 Exercise and Fitness We study exercise effects which influence fitness and methods of practical training.
6週 Exercise and Lifestyle Disease We understand the relevance between lack of exercise and lifestyle desease.
7週 Exercise Therapy Effect We study exercise therapy methods for improvement lifestyle desease and these effects.
8週 Daily Amount of Physical Activity. We measure the amount of physical activity using pedometers for 2 weeks.
9週 Healthy Exercise Practice(1) We set exercise event, the target of intensity and time to make exercise programs fitting our lifestyles.
10週 Estimation of Daily Amount of Physical Activity We estimate our physical activity on our lifes from own data of the amount of physical activity collected by pedometers.
11週 Physical Activity and Health We understand the guileline "Physical activity reference for health promotion 2013" , and restart to measure the amount of physical activity.
12週 Healthy Exercise Practice(2) We reset the exercise event, the target of intensity and time, and practice exercise plans which we set ourselves.
13週 Re-stimation of Daily Amount of Physical Activity We make a comparision between the first physical activity data and the second.
14週 Preparation for Presentation about Exercise Program We make our exercise programs fitting own lifestyles and prepare presentations about these.
15週 Presentation We have presentations. Presentation is for 10 minutes a parson.
16週 Presentation
Class Evaluation Quastionnaire
We have presentations. Finally we answer class eveluation quastionnaires.



