

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 応用物理学特論
科目番号 0022 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 海事システム工学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 reference : 「量子力学・統計力学入門」星野公三・岩松雅夫 共著(裳華房)
担当教員 大竹 由記子


The course treats the basis of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. On completion of the course the student shall be able to:
1. calculate energy, wave function and existence probability of particles confined in potential wells by solving Schrödinger's equation.
2. calculate transmission and reflection probability of particle incident to step-wise potential barriers by solving Schrödinger's equation.
3. caluculate entropy, temperature and pressure by using microcanonical ensemble.
4. caluculate energy and pressure by using canonical ensemble.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1One can calculate energy, wave function and existence probability of particles confined in potential wells by solving Schrödinger's equation when the well walls have finite height.One can calculate energy, wave function and existence probability of particles confined in potential wells by solving Schrödinger's equation when the well walls have infinite height.One cannot calculate energy, wave function and existence probability of particles confined in potential wells by solving Schrödinger's equation.
Evaluation 2One can calculate transmission and reflection probability of particle incident to potential barriers of finite width by solving Schrödinger's equation.One can calculate transmission and reflection probability of particle incident to step-wise potential barriers by solving Schrödinger's equation.One cannot calculate transmission and reflection probability of particle incident to step-wise potential barriers by solving Schrödinger's equation.
Evaluation 3One can caluculate entropy, temperature and pressure by using microcanonical ensemble in various cases.One can caluculate entropy, temperature and pressure by using microcanonical ensemble in the cases of free particles and harmonic oscillators.One cannot caluculate entropy, temperature and pressure by using microcanonical ensemble.
Evaluation 4One can caluculate energy and pressure by using canonical ensemble in various cases.One can caluculate energy and pressure by using canonical ensemble in the cases of free particles and harmonic oscillators.One cannot caluculate energy and pressure by using canonical ensemble.



The course treats the basis of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics which are essential to understand modern technology such as nanotechnology and cryogenic technology.
The schedule of this lecture might be slightly changed so that students can easily follow. Student masters this course through lectures and seminar.
The final grade will be calculated according to the following process: reports(40%) and term-end examination(60%). The recognition of credit requires 60 points or more rating.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Wave–particle duality guidance, Compton scattering, photons, de Broglie waves, double-slit experiment
2週 Framework of quantum mechanics 1 wave function, Hermitian operator, commutation relation, Schrödinger's equation
3週 Framework of quantum mechanics 2 superposition principle, uncertainty principle
4週 Schrödinger's equation 1 particles confined in potential wells (lecture)
5週 Schrödinger's equation 2 particles confined in potential wells (seminar)
6週 Schrödinger's equation 3 particle incident to step-wise potential barriers (lecture)
7週 Schrödinger's equation 4 particle incident to step-wise potential barriers (seminar)
8週 Schrödinger's equation 5 particle incident to potential barriers of finite width, harmonic oscillator (lecture)
9週 Statistical mechanics 1 microcanonical ensemble (lecture)
10週 Statistical mechanics 2 microcanonical ensemble (seminar)
11週 Statistical mechanics 3 canonical ensemble (lecture)
12週 Statistical mechanics 4 canonical ensemble (seminar)
13週 Statistical mechanics 5 grandcanonical ensemble (lecture)
14週 Statistical mechanics 6 grandcanonical ensemble (seminar)
15週 Term-end examination
16週 Checking the final grade




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Ability60000400100
Technical Ability0000000
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000