

学校 長野工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 英語Ⅴ(C)
科目番号 0085 科目区分 一般 / 必修選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 一般科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 前期:2
教科書/教材 Encounters Abroad, Michael P. Critchley, NAN`UN-DO
担当教員 デヴィッドソン


In order to attain the goal of A-1 and F-2, students will develop skills and gain confidence in English communication (A-1) through completing tasks which help them to express themselves in travel and business situations. These skills will be relevant to their future careers (F-2). 基盤となる工学分野において、必要な英語の基礎力を身につける。


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Skills to use English while traveling. Skills to use English while traveling.Inadequate skills to use English while traveling.
Evaluation 2Skills to give presentations in English freely and effectively.Skills to give presentations in English.Inadequate skills to give presentations in English.
Evaluation 3Strong confidence in using English with others.Confidence in using English with others.Insufficient confidence in using English with others.



The objectives of this class are to prepare the students for overseas travel and to improve the students ability to make a short presentation in English.
Through the use of the text (Encounters Abroad by Michael P. Critchley, NAN`UN-DO), other exercises and role play practice the students will gain confidence to travel abroad and use English in travel and in busines.
Evaluation is based on Attendance (40%), Final Test (20%), Final Presentation (20%), Homework (10%) and Participation (10%).


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Introduction and introductory exercise Students understand course content, evaluation , goals and introduce themselves
2週 Text Unit 1 p.8-11 On ther airplane
3週 Unit 1 p.12-15 Meeting people when traveling
4週 Unit 2 p. 16-19 Immigration and customs
5週 Unit 2 p. 20-23 Immigration and customs continued…
6週 Unit 3 p. 24-27 Homework assignment 1 Taking a taxi and dealing with money
7週 Unit 3 p. 28-31 Giving addresses and paying
8週 Unit 4 p. 32-35 Hotel check in, problem solving
9週 Unit 4 p. 36-39 Hotel talk continued…
10週 Unit 5 p. 40-43 Homework assignment 2 Asking for sightseeing advice
11週 Unit 5 p. 44-47 Suggestions continued…
12週 Review Review of material covered.
13週 Test test of course material
14週 Final Presentations students will present a country to the class
15週 Final Presentations students will present a country to the class


examhomeworkfinal presentationattendanceparticipation合計
Basic Ability2010204010100
Technical Ability000000
Interdisciplinary Ability00