

学校 豊田工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 知識工学
科目番号 93026 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 電子機械工学専攻E 対象学年 専2
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 特に指定しない/印刷物または電子ファイル
担当教員 吉岡 貴芳


(ア) Students can explain the concept of big data.
(イ) Students can describe three characteristic features of big data.
(ウ) Students recognize the risks of data-driven decision-making.
(エ) Students can distinguish correlational analysis from causational analysis.
(オ) Students can explain a few effective examples of big data.


評価項目(ア)Students can explain the concept of big data.Students understand the concept of big data.Students don't understand the concept of big data.
評価項目(イ)Students can describe three characteristic features of big data.Students understand three characteristic features of big data.Students don't understand three characteristic features of big data.
評価項目(ウ)Students can explain the risks of data-driven decision makings.Students understand the risks of data-driven decision makings.Students don't recognize the risks of data-driven decision-makings.
評価項目(エ)Students can distinguish correlational analysis from causational analysis.Students explain correlational analysis from the causational analysis.Students don't distinguish correlational analysis from causational analysis.
評価項目(オ)Students can explain a few effective examples of big data.Students explain a few effective examples of big data.Students don't explain a few effective examples of big data.


学習・教育到達度目標 A4  コンピュータを利用した情報の保持・変換・伝達のための概念を理解し,説明できる.
JABEE d  当該分野において必要とされる専門的知識とそれらを応用する能力
本校教育目標 ① ものづくり能力


As engineers working in the century of knowledge, we should understand how some knowledge is created from daily data flow from society and may be used in essential decision-making. Big data is recent and needs to be a more well-defined concept, but it is a name for a series of processing ideas and methods for handling such a massive data flow. It differs from well-established processing methods in the last century, depends on the vast processing power of recent computers, and has significant benefits and severe risks to our society. This lecture intends to summarize the basis of big data for young engineering students. The lecture is based on the lecturer’s experience working as a developing engineer to learn the recent trends in analytics and information technology.
(self-study & preparation) The students must read the assigned pages of the text before every lesson, write short summaries, and present them to the class.
The students are expected to have receptive English skills of TOEIC 500 or higher because all the lectures, discussions, assignments, and tests will be done in English.


None included in regulated technology.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Two examples of showing social effect from big data
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of three shifts of information analysis caused by big data
Recognize the social effect of big data.
2週 The outline of three shifts of information analysis caused by big data
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of processing ALL data
Understand the three shifts of information analysis.
3週 Processing ALL data instead of some samples
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of handling messy data
Understand the difference between using all data and sampled data.
4週 Handling messy data
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of causality vs. correlation (part 1)
Grasp the meaning of "messy" data.
5週 Leaving causality to satisfy with correlations
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of causality vs. correlation (part 2)
Distinguish correlation from causality.
6週 Leaving causality to satisfy with correlations
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of turning data into valuable information
Distinguish correlation from causality.
7週 Datafication: turning data into valuable information
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of Datafication
Grasp the meaning of "Datafication".
8週 Datafication: turning data into valuable information
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of non-rivalrous option value of data (part 1)
Grasp the meaning of "Datafication".
9週 Value: non-rivalrous option value of data
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of the non-rivalrous option value of data (part 2)
Understand the option value of data.
10週 Value: non-rivalrous option value of data
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of the value chain (part 1)
Understand the option value of data.
11週 Implications: data, skills, and ideas for the value chain
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of the value chain (part 2)
Know the value chain of data analysis.
12週 Implications: data, skills, and ideas for the value chain
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of risks related to big data
Know the value chain of data analysis.
13週 Risks: privacy, punishment based on the probability, dictatorship of data
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of controlling data
Understand the risk of big data.
14週 Control: from privacy to accountability, the algorithms
(self-study and preparation) write a summary of the next issues of big data
Know some ideas for controlling data analysis.
15週 Next: when data speaks, the more significant data Know the possible future of data analysis.



