

学校 鈴鹿工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 英語ⅡB(Lawson)
科目番号 0042 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 電気電子工学科 対象学年 2
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 1. Documents downloaded from Internet file storage. 2. Material as distributed in class.
担当教員 Lawson Michael


The objective of this course is to improve students’ ability to structure English-language speech outlines and to provide English speaking practice.





As the basis for English speaking practice, each week, working in groups, students will spend the first-half of each class session structuring detailed English-language speech outlines by creating logically related sentences and paragraphs based on original ideas resulting in personalized speeches. During the second-half of each class session, groups of students will take turns coming to the front of the classroom to say their speeches with the teacher and classmates serving as the audience. Outlines will contain three main points for an introduction, body and conclusion, and three first- and second-level sub-points for each of the three main points for body development. The main points constitute outline breadth and will include different broad ideas concerning topics. First-level sub-points constitute outline depth and will include detailed sub-ideas directly related to their corresponding broader main points. Second-level sub-points constitute further outline depth and will include detailed sub-ideas directly related to their corresponding first-level sub-points. During the speeches, students will be instructed on oral communication skills such as pausing, eye-contact, hand-gestures, intonation, pronunciation, and enunciation. Specifically, Students will be provided with blank outline forms each class session and will be assisted in brainstorming their self-selected topics, developing three main points concerning the topics, developing three first-level sub-points corresponding to each main point and supporting their main points, and developing three second-level sub-points corresponding to each of their first-level sub-points. Upon completion of the outlines, groups will take turns coming to the front of the classroom and saying their speeches to the class.
The following content conforms to the learning and educational goals: (A) <Perspective> [JABEE Standard 1(1)(a)], and (C) <English> [JABEE Standard 1(1)f].
Students’ ability to structure English-language speech outlines will be evenly evaluated through the use of two exams (a midterm exam and a final exam). Students will have attained the goals provided that they have earned 60% of the total points possible for this course.
50% Midterm Exam, 50% Final Exam. Students may have their final scores reduced for poor class participation. Because it is impossible to give paper exams that measure English oral communication ability, the two exams will only cover students’ ability to self-select English speech topics, to develop three main points concerning their topics, to develop three first-level sub-points corresponding to each main point, and to develop three second-level sub-points corresponding to each first-level sub-point.
Students must obtain at least 60% of the total possible points in order to receive 1 credit.
An understanding of basic English syntax and grammar in the courses English 1A and 1B.
<レポートなど> The total time necessary for students to acquire an understanding of the course is 45 hours, including classroom time and study time outside of the classroom.
1. You may contact me at the following address: lawson@genl.suzuka-ct.ac.jp.
2. This course will form the basis for the courses English 3 and English Seminar 1 and 2.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduce class requirements Students will learn about class requirements.
2週 Groups choose topic 1, create speech outline, give speech 1. To practice self-selecting English speech topics,
2. To fine-tune ability to develop three main points concerning topics,
3. To improve ability in developing three corresponding first-level sub-points for each main point,
4. To practice developing three second-level sub-points corresponding to their first-level sub-points, and,
5. To practice English-speaking by giving English-language speeches in which they will instructed on oral communication skills such as pausing, eye-contact, hand-gestures, intonation, pronunciation, and enunciation.
3週 Groups choose topic 2, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
4週 Groups choose topic 3, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
5週 Groups choose topic 4, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
6週 Groups choose topic 5, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
7週 Review for Midterm exam Students will learn about the midterm exam.
8週 Midterm Exam: 1~4 listed above.
9週 Discuss Midterm exam results Students will learn about their midterm exam results.
10週 Groups choose topic 6, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
11週 Groups choose topic 7, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
12週 Groups choose topic 8, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
13週 Groups choose topic 9, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
14週 Groups choose topic 10, create speech outline, give speech 1~5 listed above.
15週 Review for Final exam Students will learn about the final exam.



