The objective of this course is to increase the students’ ability to give an advanced-level oral presentation in English.
| 理想的な到達レベルの目安 | 標準的な到達レベルの目安 | 未到達レベルの目安 |
評価項目1 | | | |
評価項目2 | | | |
評価項目3 | | | |
The objective of this class is to build on the previous year’s course in order to further develop students’ English-language presentation skill by focusing on group cooperation, script/PowerPoint file coordination, PowerPoint slide transition, the use of electronic mail as a tool for revision and development, and advanced English-language presentation techniques, such as complete script memorization and speaker transition.
The following content conforms to the learning and educational goals (C) <English> (JABEE Standard 1(1)f)
Students’ English oral presentation ability will be evaluated through one “Main” English oral presentation to be given on the 15th week of class. Students will have attained the goal of this course provided that they have earned 60% of the total points possible which includes the 1 “Main” presentation.
Students are required to give 1 “Main Presentation”. The total time necessary for students to acquire an understanding of the course is 45 hours, including classroom time and study/presentation time outside of the classroom. Failure to meet the deadlines for these assignments will result in a 10% reduction of the final grade—for each infraction.
Students must obtain at least 60% of the total possible points in order to receive 1 credit.
A good command of basic English syntax; a practical level of reading and listening comprehension, and some ability to converse in English as achieved through their first five years at Suzuka Kosen.
<レポートなど> Students will be given weekly assignments, such as, topic selection, weekly outline and PowerPoint updates. Students are required to obtain an email account which can send and receive Word and PowerPoint documents.
You may contact me at: lawson@genl.suzuka-ct.ac.jp.
週 |
授業内容 |
週ごとの到達目標 |
後期 |
3rdQ |
1週 |
Assign students to small groups. Introduce course/Assign Main Presentation topic selection. Discuss the theoretical and practical use of email exchange as a tool for revision and development. |
Students will learn about Main Presentation topic selection. Discuss the theoretical and practical use of email exchange as a tool for revision and development.
2週 |
Discuss group cooperation techniques for outline creation. Assign Outline draft 1. Groups submit 1st draft outlines to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1. To learn group cooperation through an analysis of group selection techniques and an in-class lecture regarding the importance of teamwork. 2. To acquire script/PowerPoint file coordination and PowerPoint slide transition skill through lectures and practical application as they create effective presentations. 3. To learn advanced script and PowerPoint revision techniques through lectures and electronic mail exchange with the teacher. 4. To develop advanced practical presentation techniques by being required to memorize scripts and by focusing on physical aesthetics, such as smooth speaker transition. 5. To further improve their ability to give an effective English-language oral presentation with the use of PowerPoints.
3週 |
Discuss how 1st draft outlines can be improved. Groups submit 2nd draft outlines to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
4週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 2nd draft outlines can be improved. Groups submit 3rd draft outlines to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
5週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 3rd draft outlines can be improved. Groups submit 4th draft outlines to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
6週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 4th draft outlines can be improved. Groups submit final draft outlines to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher makes final improvements on the outlines. |
1〜5 listed above.
7週 |
Discuss group cooperation techniques for PowerPoint creation, script/PowerPoint file coordination, and slide transition. Groups submit 1st draft PowerPoints to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
8週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 1st draft PowerPoints can be improved. Groups submit 2nd draft PowerPoints to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
4thQ |
9週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 2nd draft PowerPoints can be improved. Wednesday: Groups submit 3rd draft PowerPoints to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
10週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 3rd draft PowerPoints can be improved. Wednesday: Groups submit fourth draft PowerPoints to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher notes areas for improvement. |
1〜5 listed above.
11週 |
Class time is spent discussing how the 4th draft PowerPoints can be improved. Wednesday: Groups submit final draft PowerPoints to the teacher via email attachment. Teacher makes final improvements on the PowerPoints. |
1〜5 listed above.
12週 |
Discuss advanced presentation techniques such as complete script memorization and speaker transition. Groups practice their presentations using a computer and projector in the classroom while the teacher teaches presentation skills based on weaknesses observed during these practice sessions. |
1〜5 listed above.
13週 |
Discuss advanced presentation techniques such as complete script memorization and speaker transition. Groups practice their presentations using a computer and projector in the classroom while the teacher teaches presentation skills based on weaknesses observed during these practice sessions. |
1〜5 listed above.
14週 |
Discuss advanced presentation techniques such as complete script memorization and speaker transition. Groups practice their presentations using a computer and projector in the classroom while the teacher teaches presentation skills based on weaknesses observed during these practice sessions. |
1〜5 listed above.
15週 |
Students make their presentations in the audio/visual room and are judged by native-English speakers, guest judges, and select members of the English department. |
1〜5 listed above.
16週 |
分類 | 分野 | 学習内容 | 学習内容の到達目標 | 到達レベル | 授業週 |
| 試験 | 課題 | 合計 |
総合評価割合 | 90 | 10 | 100 |
配点 | 90 | 10 | 100 |