

学校 舞鶴工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成28年度 (2016年度)
授業科目 総合英語ⅢA(Intermediate)
科目番号 0103 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 一般科目 対象学年 3
開設期 前期 週時間数 4
教科書/教材 ”New English Upgrade Two” (Student Book), and other materials provided by the instructor.
担当教員 チャイタンニャ バンダーレ,クロシュ テラニ


To acquire a sense of humanity, internationalism, cooperation and also gain an ability to use English for better communication.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Students can apply well what they learned in the class on their mid-term and final examinations.Students can apply adequately what they learned in the class on their mid-term and final examinations.Students cannot apply well what they learned in the class on their mid-term and final examinations.
Evaluation 2
Evaluation 3


(E) 説明 閉じる


Evaluation will be based on the goals above. Two tests worth 50% each will be given to students.
After the teacher takes the attendance, the textbook is used to allow students a chance to hear spoken English, and practice the conversations with each other in the classroom.
Combined with Japanese-taught English lessons this course should move students up to the pre-intermediate level and prepare them for more advanced English study. Please be punctual and active learners!

Jonathan Kay
Room: B-306
Extention: 8907
E-mail: jonathanアットマークmaizuru-ct.ac.jp(アットマークは@に変えること。)


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Meeting People (introductions, greetings, nationalities, information) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
2週 Introduce yourself to a friend, practice in small groups 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
3週 Family and Friends (family relationships, relatives, describing people) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
4週 Talk about people you know, (family, friends, someone whom you admire) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
5週 Lifestyles (daily/weekly routines) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
6週 What is a typical day like for you? Describe your routine 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
7週 Review and mid-semester examination.
8週 Work, work, work! (work and occupations, college/studies) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
9週 In small groups talk about your educational and career goals 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
10週 Having fun (entertainment, weekly schedules, weekend activities) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
11週 Discuss hobbies and free time activities with a partner 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
12週 Spend, spend, spend! (shopping and prices, methods of payment) 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
13週 Do you like shopping? Why? What do you like to purchase? Talk in groups. 1. to help learners converse fluently in English
2. learners express their own ideas and opinions
3. learn about foreign culture and ideas
4. gain communicative competence
14週 Final examination.
15週 Return tests, discuss the semester scores and attendance record, watch a DVD.




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Ability10000000100
Technical Ability0000000
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000