

学校 舞鶴工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2019
授業科目 英会話ⅢA(Advanced)
科目番号 0195 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 一般科目 対象学年 3
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 “Side By Side 2” (Workbook) and other printed materials
担当教員 ダグラス ポランスキー


1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.


評価項目1On the mid-term and final examinations, students show a high level of ability to reproduce the grammar and vocabulary as taught by the instructor during the lessons.On the mid-term and final examinations, students show an adequate level of ability to reproduce the grammar and vocabulary as taught by the instructor during the lessons.On the mid-term and final examinations, students show an inadequate level of ability to reproduce the grammar and vocabulary as taught by the instructor during the lessons.
評価項目2Students write various English compositions and engage in self-study. They must show a strong ability to view writing as a process.Students write various English compositions and engage in self-study. They must show an adequate ability to view writing as a process.Students write various English compositions and engage in self-study. These students cannot edit their work, or study independently.
評価項目3Students show great skill in editing and revision.Students show some skill in editing and revision.Students cannot draft their work.
Students show an understanding of writing as a process.Students show some understanding of writing as a process.Students show no understanding of writing as a process.


学習・教育到達度目標 (E) 説明 閉じる


This advanced class is for higher level third― year students who wish to improve their English writing skills. Grammar review and vocabulary acquisition. Introduction to various writing forms - essay, letter, story, poem, etc.
The instructor will help the students learn more about writing compositions in English, (essays, letters, poems). At the beginning of the lesson the teacher will instruct using a textbook, and afterwards allow learners to apply this knowledge.
This is somewhat a self-directed workshop with an emphasis on independent study. Writing and critical thinking skills are important for learners who wish to study at a university. Please write drafts and improve your written communication skills over the semester. The goal is for learners to view writing as a process.
Evaluation will be based on the goals above. The mid-term test will be worth 35%, the final test 35%, and writing assignments 30%.
【Person to Contact】
Jonathan Kay
Room: B-306
Extention: 8907
E-mail: jonathanアットマークmaizuru-ct.ac.jp(アットマークは@に変えること。)


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Review of Tenses 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
2週 Writing Introductions 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
3週 Countable/Non-countable Nouns 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
4週 Intro to Free Writing 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
5週 Continue Free Writing 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
6週 Listing/Descriptive Writing 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
7週 Mid-semester examination 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
8週 Adverbs/Comparative of Adverbs 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
9週 Essay Form 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
10週 Past Continuous Tense 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
11週 Essay Form 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
12週 Could/Be Able to/Too+ Adjective 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
13週 Essay 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
14週 End of semester test 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.
15週 Return tests, confirm scoring and attendance with the students 1 Students can express themselves with 100 words per minute.
2 acquire skills related to unified form.
3 learn revision of work.
4 view writing as a process; editing and revising.



