

学校 舞鶴工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 工業英語
科目番号 0228 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 2
開設学科 電気情報工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Handouts will be distributed.
担当教員 藤田 憲司


1 Students can understand fundamentals of electronics.
2 Students can communicate ideas using written English.
3 Students can express their ideas orally in English.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1Students can explain things related to electronics in English well.Students can explain things related to electronics in English well enough.Students cannot explain things related to electronics in English well.
Evaluation 2Students can communicate with excellent abilities of writing.Students can communicate with fair abilities of writing.Students cannot communicate because of their poor abilities of writing.
Evaluation 3Students can express ideas with 100 words per minute.Students can express ideas with 70 words per minute.Students can express ideas with less than 30 words per minute.


学習・教育到達度目標 (E) 説明 閉じる


Students will learn the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering along with printed materials.

【Course Objectives】
This course focuses on reading, writing and speaking in terms of English technical communication, and aims at the acquisition of practical communication skills in the fleld of engineering.

All the classes are managed on the assumption that students are well-prepared for class in advance, followed by some active review application of the materials on their own. Throughout the course students are required to complete active participation in class activities, assignment, writing and presentation tasks, tests.

【Learning Method】
Self-preparation including prereading is necessary to contribute to the whole class achievement. Students have to bring teaching materials and a dictionary to every single class. They are required to complete all the tasks given throughout the course.

One exam is given during the exam period. It takes 50 minutes.

Students will likely be evaluated based on the above-mentioned goals. An end-of-semester exam will be worth 30%, and contribution to class activities, assignment, writing and presentation tasks, and review tests 70%.

This course consists of classwork and extracurricular self-work. Students need to show their achievement of self-work by completing all the assignment and tasks.

【Person to Contact】
Room: A棟3階(A-303)
Extention: 8900
E-mail: k.fujita アットマーク maizuru-ct.ac.jp(アットマークは@に変えること。)


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction to the course
Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking
2週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
3週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
4週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
5週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
6週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
7週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
8週 Mid-term review
9週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
10週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
11週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
12週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
13週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
14週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
15週 Exercises in English reading, writing and speaking 1,2,3
16週 End-of-term examination



