Advanced English Ⅱ


学校 明石工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 Advanced English Ⅱ
科目番号 5407 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Knockout Presentations - How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz (Third Edition) [Available on paperback or e-book], Morgan James Publishing, © 2019 by Diane DiResta. This book is required for both Advanced EnglishⅠ&Ⅱ.
担当教員 ハーバート ジョン


1)Mastering presentation delivery skills
2)Writing stimulating presentation content
3)Recognizing weaknesses in presentations and tactfully suggesting ideas for peer and self-improvement
4)Using Visual Aids effectively in a presentation
5)Handling questions from the audience skillfully
6)Writing conference proposals


評価項目1 Mastering presentation delivery skillsAble to use confident body language, a strong voice, great eye contact, appropriate intonation and stress, and natural gestures in a presentationAble to show an awareness of how to use body language, voice projection, eye contact, intonation, stress, and gestures in a presentationCannot use body language, voice projection, eye contact, intonation, stress, or gestures appropriately in a presentation
評価項目2 Writing stimulating presentation contentAble to write persuasive and interesting presentation contentAble to show an awareness of how to write persuasive and interesting presentation contentCannot write persuasive or interesting presentation content
評価項目3 Peer and self-critiquing Able to give tactful and constructive criticism and advice in peer critiques and to write well thought out self-reflectionsAble to show an awareness of how to give tactful and constructive criticism and advice in peer critiques and to write well thought out self-reflectionsCannot give tactful or constructive criticism or advice in peer critiques and not able to write sincere self-reflections
評価項目4 Using visual aids effectively in a presentationAble to create and use visual aids that are easy for the audience to look at and understandAble to show an awareness of how to create and use visual aids that are easy for the audience to look at and understandCannot create or properly use visual aids that are easy for the audience to look at and understand
評価項目5 Handling questions from the audience skillfullyAble to handle difficult questions from a presentation audience tactfully and confidentlyAble to show an awareness of how to handle difficult questions from a presentation audience tactfully and confidentlyCannot handle questions from the audience with confidence
評価項目6 Writing conference proposalsAble to write research abstracts and summaries as impressive conference presentation proposalsAble to show an awareness of how to write research abstracts and summaries as conference presentation proposalsCannot write research abstracts or summaries in English



Advanced EnglishⅡ involves the preparation and confident delivery of English presentations designed for professional research conferences.

There will be several short assignments and activities from the textbook to prepare students for their initial and final presentations.

For Akashi Kosen students, the class will meet in the Global Terrace, but they may be asked to do group work with students from other NIT campuses in TEAMs channels assigned to them during class time.

Students from other NIT campuses, who have been accepted into this class, may join each class via TEAMs.

The final project of this course is an (in class) online "Mock Research Conference," where the students will present their work orally in front of peers and teachers.

評価の対象としない欠席条件(割合) 1/4以上の欠課。

Students must critique each other's work and self-reflect on each of their practice presentation performances.

Students must not recycle their presentation content from or into any other presentations for other class assignments or contests such as COCET's English Presentation Contest.

Whether the students participate in person or through a live camera projection, the teacher must be able to see ALL of the participants engaged in relevant class time behavior throughout the duration of each class. Otherwise, the teacher reserves the right to mark the student absent. Students joining via TEAMs must leave their cameras on.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Unit 5: Research and Analyze Your Audience
Designing an audience-centered presentation (Part One)
Critique your classmate's conference proposal (From your summer homework: The research abstract and summary)
Homework: 1) Rewrite your abstract and summary based on comments from your peers and your teacher.
2) Read/review "Unit 5: Research and Analyze Your Audience."
Practice exercises that may help you reach your audience effectively.
Begin planning a mock conference presentation.
2週 Unit 5: Research and Analyze Your Audience
Designing an audience-centered presentation (Part Two)
Homework: 1) Write a presentation outline.
2) Read "Unit 6: Building Your Presentation."
Practice exercises that may help you reach your audience effectively.
Learn tips for writing a research presentation outline and organizing presentation content.
3週 Unit 6: Building Your Presentation
Structuring a research presentation (Part One)
Critique a classmate's outline.
Homework: 1) Write a first draft of your presentation.
2) Review "Unit 6: Building Your Presentation"
Organize the structure of your research presentation in a logical and systematic matter.
Work together with peers to improve your presentation focus.
4週 Unit 6: Building Your Presentation
Structuring a research presentation (Part Two)
Critique a classmate's first draft.
Homework: Revise and rehearse your presentation.
Organize the structure of your research presentation in a logical and systematic matter.
Work together with peers to improve your presentation content.
5週 Presentation workshop
Peer critiques
Homework: Rehearse your presentation and visualize/dream of having a perfect performance.
Work in groups to help each other rehearse and polish the forthcoming "Initial Presentations."
Complete peer evaluation forms.
6週 Initial Presentations (Part One)
Homework: Write your self-reflection report on how you may have done a better Initial Presentation.
Present your research in English with confidence and enthusiasm. We will do the first 10 of 20 presentations in this class.
7週 Initial Presentations (Part Two)
Homework: 1) Write your self-reflection report on how you may have done a better Initial Presentation.
2) Read "Unit 8: Seeing Is Believing."
Present your research in English with confidence and enthusiasm. We will do the second 10 of 20 presentations in this class.
8週 Unit 8: Seeing Is Believing
Creating and using visual aids effectively (Part One)
Homework: 1) Rewrite your presentation transcript based on self-reflection, peer critiques, and teacher feedback.
2) Review "Unit 8: Seeing Is Believing."
Create and practice using visual aids effectively.
Work together with peers to improve your presentation content and visual aids.
9週 Unit 8: Seeing Is Believing
Creating and using visual aids effectively (Part Two)
Final Presentation rehearsals (In class and/or as homework)
Homework: Read "Unit 9: Setting the Stage"
Create and practice using visual aids effectively.
Work together with peers to improve your presentation content and visual aids.
Prepare for your final presentation.
10週 Unit 9: Setting the Stage
Logistical considerations for setting up a presentation (Part One)
Final Presentation rehearsals (In class and/or as homework)
Homework: Review "Unit 9: Setting the Stage."
Consider ways to use the surroundings of your presentation stage to your advantage.
Prepare for your final presentation.
11週 Unit 9: Setting the Stage
Logistical considerations for setting up a presentation (Part Two)
Final Presentation rehearsals (In class and/or as homework)
Homework: Read "Unit 10: Q&A, Difficult People, and Deadly Disasters."
Consider ways to use the surroundings of your presentation stage to your advantage.
Prepare for your final presentation.
12週 Unit 10: Q&A, Difficult People, and Deadly Disasters
Handling question and answers calmly and effectively (Part One)
Final Presentation rehearsals (In class and/or as homework)
Homework: Review "Unit 10: Q&A, Difficult People, and Deadly Disasters."
Learn how to handle difficult audience members and difficult questions.
Prepare for your final presentation.
13週 Unit 10: Q&A, Difficult People, and Deadly Disasters
Handling question and answers calmly and effectively (Part Two)
Final Presentation rehearsals (In class and/or as homework)
Learn how to handle difficult audience members and difficult questions.
Prepare for your final presentation.
14週 Presentation workshop
Peer critiques
Homework: Rehearse your presentation and visualize/dream of having a perfect performance.
Work in groups to help each other rehearse and polish the forthcoming "Final Presentations."
Complete peer evaluation forms.
15週 Final presentation in the context of a mock research conference within the class Presentation grades will be determined by how well the presentation reflects the acquisition and implementation of presentation techniques learned from this course.
16週 No Test




Short Assignments/Reflective WritingInitial PresentationFinal Presentation合計
Professional Presentation Skills303040100