Artificial Intelligence

Course Information

College Akashi College Year 2024
Course Title Artificial Intelligence
Course Code 6526 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Course Student Grade 5th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials
Instructor MIURA Kinya

Course Objectives

(1) Understand the methods of search and apply them to various problems.
(2) Understand the various knowledge expressions and the reasoning methods that use them.
(3) Understand neural networks and machine learning on them.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1Fully understand and apply search techniques to a variety of problems.Generally understand search techniques and can apply them to a number of problems.Do not understand the search technique and cannot apply it to problems.
Achievement 2Fully understand and can explain the various knowledge expressions and the inference methods that use them.Generally understand and can explain the various knowledge expressions and the reasoning methods that use them.Do not fully understand and cannot explain the various knowledge expressions and reasoning methods that use them.
Achievement 3Fully understand and can explain neural networks and machine learning on them.Generally understanding and can explain neural networks and machine learning on them.Do not understand enough about neural networks and machine learning on them, and cannot explain them.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

Describe the basic concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence. In particular, the focus will be on various search techniques and their use to solve problems, knowledge expressions and their use, neural networks and machine learning on them.
The lecture is mainly based on the content of textbook, but should be supplemented with handouts if required. Also, tasks will be assigned as appropriate. The contact person is Yukihiro Hamada.
It is desirable to have a thorough understanding of the content of year 4 classes Discrete Mathematics and Data Structure and Algorithms. Also, it is desirable for students to have acquired any programming language, since it is necessary to have an algorithmic understanding of various methods. This course's content will amount to 90 hours of study in total. These hours include the learning time guaranteed in classes and the standard self-study time required for pre-study / review, and completing assignment reports.
Students who miss 1/3 or more of classes will not be eligible for evaluation.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Artificial intelligence overview Can explain outline of artificial intelligence research by viewing the history of artificial intelligence research from several perspectives.
2nd Problem solving and search Can explain problem solving as state space search. Understand the steps of vertical and horizontal searching and apply them to problem solving.
3rd Limited branch search Understand the cost-aware search and can find the best solution using the limited branch search.
4th Heuristic search Understand and conduct search using estimated costs to the goal (heuristic search).
5th Search for And/Or graphs Understand that problem-solving by problem-breaking methods and game-state-space exploration by two-person becomes a search for And/Or graphs and can apply it to problem-solving.
6th Knowledge representation using predicate logic Understand the syntax of predicate logic and use logical expressions to express propositional knowledge.
7th Proof system based on the fusion principle Understand the proof system based on the principle of fusion and the secular form, which is one of the standard forms of predicate logic, and can carry out deductive and proving using it.
8th Midterm exam
It is given during class.
4th Quarter
9th Production system Understand and can explain the basic operation of a production system.
10th Semantic network and frame Understand and can explain knowledge representation and simple reasoning using a semantic network. Also, understand and can explain knowledge representation using a frame.
11th Perceptron Understand the basic operation of neurocells and can explain the operation and learning of the perceptron.
12th Backpropagation Conceptually understand and can explain the learning by backwards propagation of errors in a feed-forward network.
13th Auto encoder Understand and can explain how auto-encoders (self-encoding units) work and the pre-learning of feed-forward networks using auto-encoders.
14th Recurrent neural network Conceptually understand and can explain the behavior of the recurrent neural network and its special case of the Hopfield Network .
15th Other neural networks Understand outline and can explain some examples of other neural networks including a convolutional neural network.
16th Final exam

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationTaskMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency0000000
Specialized Proficiency80200000100
Cross Area Proficiency0000000