

学校 明石工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 英会話Ⅰ
科目番号 0046 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 都市システム工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Ready to Present: A Guide to Better Presentations; by Herman Bartelen and Malcolm Kostiuk; Copyright 2019; National Georaphic Learning/Cengage Learning; ISBN: 978-4-86312-351-9.
担当教員 ハーバート ジョン


By the end of this course, the students should be able to prepare 3 to 4-minute English presentations, and they should understand the cultural norms of giving presentations in an English speaking context.
To this end, the students will be required to work on improving their English communication and presentation skills in the following areas as described in the textbook:
1) Creating a confident presentation delivery which utilizes good posture, eye contact, gestures, and voice inflection.
2) Displaying useful visual aids with well prepared slides to support their speech.
3) Writing a well structured speech with a good introduction, body, and conclusion.


Good DeliveryStand up straight, look at the audience, use natural gestures and appropriate voice inflection Stand up straight, look at the audience, use planned gestures, and experiment with voice inflection Slouch as you read without gestures or voice inflection
Good Visual AidsPrepare very interesting and meaningful slides and synchronize them perfectly with your speech performancePrepare easily understood and meaningful slides and use them appropriatelyPrepare crowded slides that are hard to read without practicing slide synchronization
Good ContentMake sure you have a well-structured presentation with all of the components of a speech described in your textbook. Create a good English speech introduction, body, and conclusionFail to make your message clear or fail to organize your message in a logical order
Good EnglishSpeak clearly with excellent English vocabulary and grammarSpeak clearly with understandable English vocabulary and grammarUse only katakana to speak English


学習・教育到達度目標 (B) 説明 閉じる
学習・教育到達度目標 (E) 説明 閉じる


The objective of this course is to develop the oral English communication skills necessary for making academic and professional presentations in English. The course will focus on strategies for creating and delivering presentations, and plenty of English language support will be provided by the textbook and the teacher as needed.
Each semester, teams of 3 or 4 students will prepare and perform English presentations. All team members will be graded for preparing the presentations. However, only one team member has to speak for each of these 3-4 minute "Solo Presentations." And, every presentation must be performed by a different team member each time, so that everyone performs a "Solo Presentation" once by the end of each semester (twice in the academic year). For teams of 4, the 3rd and 7th presentations should be performed in pairs, but the same members cannot perform both presentations. That is, Student A and B can perform the Unit 3 presentation, but then, Students C and D from the same group would have to do the Unit 7 presentation. Then, in lessons 14 and 29, all 3 or 4 team members together must perform presentations for Unit 4 and Unit 8, respectively.
Active participation in English is essential for completing this course successfully. During this class, being more than 15 minutes late, doing coursework for other professors, sleeping, talking out-of-turn at length, playing smart phone games, and any similar actions that distract one's focus away from class will result in a recorded absence or a required make-up class. Class participation will be graded in combination with each individuals contribution to helping the solo presenters to prepare for their solo presentations. 
合格の対象としない欠席条件(割合) 1/4以上の欠課


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Unit 1: Self-Introductions (Activities to be covered)
- (15 min.) Share and Communicate
- (15 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (10 min.) Language to Be Used
- (10 min.) Plan and Write
- (40 min.) Presentation Skills
(Homework: Write a self-introduction using the "Language to Be Used" section.)
Write a well organized introduction, body, and conclusion for a self-introduction speech.
2週 Unit 1: Self-Introductions (Activities to be covered)
- (15 min.) Presentation Practice
- (60 min.) Student Presentations
- (15 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on making good eye contact and controlling your voice.
3週 Unit 2: An Important Person or Thing (Activities to be covered)
- (30 min.) Share and Communicate
- (20 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (20 min.) Presentation Skills
Create a speech with smooth transitions and relevant stories about something or someone important to you.
4週 Unit 2: An Important Person or Thing (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (25 min.) Plan and Write
- (60 min.) Presentation Skills
Create a speech with smooth transitions and relevant stories about something or someone important to you.
5週 Unit 2: An Important Person or Thing (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (50 min.) Plan and Write
- (35 min.) Presentation Skills
Create a speech with smooth transitions and relevant stories about something or someone important to you.
6週 Unit 2: An Important Person or Thing (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on using appropriate facial and hand gestures, the "Read, Look Up, Present" technique, and the "Dos and Don'ts" of giving a presentation.
7週 Unit 3: Places (Activities to be covered)
- (30 min.) Share and Communicate
- (20 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (20 min.) Presentation Skills
Write a clear description of a place that you like and explain why you like it.
8週 中間試験実施せず。
In place of a mid-term test, 90 minutes of in-class "Plan and Write" time for Unit 3 will be changed to out-of-class homework.
9週 Unit 3: Places (Activities to be covered)
- (10 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (80 min.) Presentation Skills
Practice making appropriate hand gestures and creating useful slides and graphics.
10週 Unit 3: Places (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on using meaningful hand gestures, slides, and graphics.
11週 Unit 4: Opinions (Activities to be covered)
- (30 min.) Share and Communicate
- (20 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (20 min.) Presentation Skills
Develop confidence in sharing your opinion and supporting your opinion with evidence.
12週 Unit 4 Opinions (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (25 min.) Plan and Write
- (60 min.) Presentation Skills
Develop confidence in sharing your opinion and supporting your opinion with evidence.
13週 Unit 4: Opinions (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (50 min.) Plan and Write
- (35 min.) Presentation Skills
Develop confidence in sharing your opinion and supporting your opinion with evidence.
14週 Unit 4: Opinions (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on speaking with emphasis and using hand gestures to mark that emphasis.
15週 Review and feedback.
Check understandings and achievements from taking this course.
16週 期末試験実施せず
1週 Unit 5: Biography (Activities to be covered)
- (15 min.) Share and Communicate
- (15 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (40 min.) Presentation Skills
Review and improve upon how you use transitions and hand gestures as you describe life experiences.
2週 Unit 5: Biography (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (25 min.) Plan and Write
- (60 min.) Presentation Skills
Review and improve upon how you use transitions and hand gestures as you describe life experiences.
3週 Unit 5: Biography (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on using creative transitions and hand gestures as you describe life experiences.
4週 Unit 6: Stories (Activities to be covered)
- (15 min.) Share and Communicate
- (15 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (40 min.) Presentation Skills
Develop storytelling techniques.
5週 Unit 6: Stories (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (25 min.) Plan and Write
- (60 min.) Presentation Skills
Develop storytelling techniques.
6週 Unit 6: Stories (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on establishing the setting and main point of a story. Then, tell the story with emphasis and appropriate gestures.
7週 Unit 7 Solving Problems (Activities to be covered)
- (30 min.) Share and Communicate
- (20 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (20 min.) Presentation Skills
Write an opinion about an issue and research the facts and opinions about that issue so that you can provide examples to support your opinion.
8週 中間試験実施せず。 In place of a mid-term test, 90 minutes of in-class "Plan and Write" time for Unit 7 will be changed to out-of-class homework.
9週 Unit 7: Solving Problems (Activities to be covered)
- (10 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (80 min.) Presentation Skills
Write an opinion about an issue and research the facts and opinions about that issue so that you can provide examples to support your opinion.
10週 Unit 7: Solving Problems (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on using meaningful and supportive examples and numbers with tables and graphs. And, pace yourself as you speak one meaningful language chunk at a time.
11週 Unit 8: Final Presentation (Activities to be covered)
- (30 min.) Share and Communicate
- (20 min.) Watch the Model Presentation
- (20 min.) Language to Be Used
- (20 min.) Presentation Skills
Choose a theme for a final presentation.
12週 Unit 8: Final Presentation (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (25 min.) Plan and Write
- (60 min.) Presentation Skills
Create, write, and prepare for a great final presentation.
13週 Unit 8: Final Presentation (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Vocal Warm-Ups, Tongue Twisters
- (50 min.) Plan and Write
- (35 min.) Presentation Skills
Create, write, and prepare for a great final presentation.
14週 Unit 8: Final Presentation (Activities to be covered)
- (05 min.) Class Warm-Ups and Relaxation
- (10 min.) Presentation Practice
- (70 min.) Student Presentations
- (05 min.) Self-Reflection
Focus on using every presentation skill you learned in this course all in one presentation. All of your team members must present together.
15週 Review and feedback.
Check understandings and achievements from taking this course.
16週 期末試験実施せず




Solo Presentation Preparation/Class ParticipationSolo Presentation PerformanceTeam PresentationHomework/Plan and Write Activities合計
English Presentation20402020100