Form and Design in Architecture A

Course Information

College Akashi College Year 2019
Course Title Form and Design in Architecture A
Course Code 0034 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Seminar Credits Academic Credit: 2
Department Architecture Student Grade 2nd
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials 図解 ニッポン住宅建築―建築家の空間を読む、コンパクト建築設計資料集成と建築のしくみ
Instructor OTSUKA Takehiko,HIGASHINO Adriana P.

Course Objectives

1)To learn how to search and gather information about architecture.
2)To practice time management skills.
3)To acquire 3D expression skills: perspective drawing and model making.
4)To understand architectural drawings and to draw using computer tools (Adobe CS6).


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Architectural DesignWell acquired the basics of architectural design.Acquired the basics of architectural design.Did not acquired the basics of architectural design.
Adobe SoftwareWell understands the basic operations of Adobe's software.Understands the basic operations of Adobe's software.Does not understand the basic operations of Adobe's software.
architectural drawingWell understand architectural drawing, layout composition and drawing expression techniquesUnderstand architectural drawing, layout composition and drawing expression techniquesDoes not understand architectural drawing, layout composition and drawing expression techniques
3D Can well execute perspective drawings and build architectural models.Can execute perspective drawings and build architectural models.Can not execute perspective drawings and build architectural models.

Assigned Department Objectives

学習・教育到達度目標 (D) See Hide
学習・教育到達度目標 (F) See Hide

Teaching Method

To learn and understand architectural design concepts through the execution of drawings and models of famous 20th-century houses. To understand the basic functions and how to operate with Adobe software. To acquire layout composition, drawing expression techniques and perspective drawing skills.
The students will understand architecture design and acquire drawing expression skills through the execution of the assignments. The assignments include the making of models and the use of Adobe software. At the end of the course, the students will elaborate a book (pdf) with all the houses analyzed.
This course includes self-learning time. The students should be careful with their tasks management and respect the assigments deadlines. 5 absences will be excused.

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Outline of the course and explanation of the 20th-century houses assignment To gather information using the library, internet etc.
2nd Basics about graphic layout: to execute a raft Using Adobe software to do the layout of a text.
3rd 20th-century houses assignment :
submission of the house's exterior sketch (han drawing)
To acquire perspective drawings skills.
4th 20th-century houses assignment : to scan and Photoshop the house's exterior sketch To edit images using Photoshop software.
5th 20th-century houses assignment : draw the architectural drawings of the house using Adobe Illustrator. To draw using Illustrator software.
6th 20th-century houses assignment : draw the architectural drawings of the house using Adobe Illustrator. To draw using Illustrator software.
7th 20th-century houses assignment : draw the architectural drawings of the house using Adobe Illustrator. To draw using Illustrator software.
8th Mid-term Exam Students video presentation of famous architects.
2nd Quarter
9th 20th-century houses assignment : Model making To make a model of the house based on its drawings, using various materials such as paper, wood, styrene board, etc.
10th 20th-century houses assignment : Model photo To take photos of the model and edit the images using Photoshop
11th 20th-century houses assignment : Book
To gather all the drawings of the house studied and edited on boards (max two pages per house)
To understand architectural design concepts and graphic layout.
12th 20th-century houses assignment : Book
To gather all the drawings of the house studied and edited on boards (max two pages per house)
To understand architectural design concepts and graphic layout.
13th 20th-century houses assignment : Book
To gather all the drawings of the house studied and edited on boards (max two pages per house)
To understand architectural design concepts and graphic layout.
14th 20th-century houses assignment : Book
To gather all the drawings of the house studied and edited on boards (max two pages per house)
To understand architectural design concepts and graphic layout.
15th 20th-century houses assignment : Book
To gather all the drawings of the house studied and edited on boards (max two pages per house)
To understand architectural design concepts and graphic layout.
16th End-term Exam
To answer each house architect's name, construction date and the name of the house using the pdf book elaborated by the students. The students will receive ipads to use during the test.
To understand architectural design concepts

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationAssignments videoTotal
Basic Proficiency5905100
Specialized Proficiency0000
Cross Area Proficiency0000