Planning of Living Environment

Course Information

College Akashi College Year 2022
Course Title Planning of Living Environment
Course Code 4037 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 2
Department Architecture and Civil Engineering Student Grade Adv. 2nd
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials
Instructor KUDOH Kazumi,MOTOZUKA Tomoki

Course Objectives

1. Understand the local characteristics of living spaces. (B)
2. Can explain the relationship between living spaces and environmental characteristics. (A)
3. Understand the historical changes of living spaces and the contemporary issues. (A)
4. Can consider living space planning issues. (H)


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1Understand and can explain the local characteristics of living spaces.Understand the local characteristics of living spaces.Do not understand the local characteristics of living spaces.
Achievement 2Can explain the relationship between living spaces and environmental characteristics from a unique perspective.Can explain the relationship between living spaces and environmental characteristics.Cannot explain the relationship between living spaces and environmental characteristics.
Achievement 3Understand and can explain the historical changes of living spaces and the contemporary issues.Understand the historical changes of living spaces and the contemporary issues.Do not understand the historical changes of living spaces and the contemporary issues.
Can consider living space planning issues from a unique perspective.Can consider living space planning issues.Cannot consider living space planning issues.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

 This course will analyze housing around the world using its diversity and local characteristics as clues and understand living spaces. The aim is to understand the historical processes and cultural diversity of living spaces and be able to apply these things to living space planning.
Classes will be taught by Mototsuka from weeks 1 to 6, and by Kudo from weeks 11 to 15. Weeks 7 to 10 will be taught by Mototsuka and Kudo.
Rather than just one-way lectures from teachers, students will consider various forms of housing and develop diverse perspectives regarding living spaces through discussions between faculty members and other students.
Students will visit traditional buildings that have been moved and preserved, and analyze them from unique perspectives using their real experiences of living spaces.
This course's content will amount to 90 hours of study in total. These hours include the learning time guaranteed in classes and the standard self-study time required for pre-study / review, and completing assignment reports.
Students who miss 1/3 or more of classes will not be eligible for a passing grade.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Living on the earth
Understand the birth and forms of housing and the housing system based on regional ecosystems.
Understand the birth and forms of housing and the housing system based on regional ecosystems.
2nd North and East Asian housing
Analyze cases of North and East Asian housing and consider the relationship between the physical body and housing, and roofs and housing.
Can analyze cases of North and East Asian housing and consider the relationship between the physical body and housing, and roofs and housing.
3rd Central and South Asian housing
Analyze cases of Central and South Asian housing and consider the relationship between community and housing, and decoration and housing.
Can analyze cases of Central and South Asian housing and consider the relationship between community and housing, and decoration and housing.
4th West Asian housing
Analyze cases of West Asian housing and consider the homes' spatial structure the village space.
Can analyze cases of West Asian housing and consider the homes' spatial structure the village space.
5th European housing
Analyze cases of European housing and consider kitchen, toilet, and bathroom spaces.
Can analyze cases of European housing and consider kitchen, toilet, and bathroom spaces.
6th Preparation for off-campus class (visit to a traditional-style house) Can pre-study the features and local characteristics of the traditional buildings that will be visited. Can determine the points of the visit and analysis methods.
7th Off-campus class (visit to a traditional-style house) Can analyze the spatial structure of actual living spaces after visiting facilities where traditional-style houses have been moved and preserved.
8th Off-campus class (visit to a traditional-style house) Can analyze the spatial structure of actual living spaces after visiting facilities where traditional-style houses have been moved and preserved.
2nd Quarter
9th Off-campus class (visit to a traditional-style house) Can analyze the spatial structure of actual living spaces after visiting facilities where traditional-style houses have been moved and preserved.
10th Off-campus class (visit to a traditional-style house) Can analyze the spatial structure of actual living spaces after visiting facilities where traditional-style houses have been moved and preserved.
11th African housing
Analyze cases of African housing and consider their family and living spaces.
Can analyze cases of African housing and consider their family and living spaces.
12th North American housing
Analyze cases of North American housing and consider colonies and living spaces, and disasters and housing.
Can analyze cases of North American housing and consider colonies and living space, and disasters and housing.
13th Latin American housing
Analyze cases of Latin American housing and consider temporary housing spaces.
Can analyze cases of Latin American housing and consider temporary housing spaces.
14th Oceania housing
Analyze cases of Oceania housing and consider its local characteristics.
Can analyze cases of Oceania housing and consider its local characteristics.
15th Summary, review, and discussion
Summarize the entire course. Deepen understanding through exchanging opinions, Q&As, and discussions.
Summarize the entire course. Understand through exchanging opinions, Q&As, and discussions.
16th Final exam

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

Basic Proficiency0000
Specialized Proficiency602020100
Cross Area Proficiency0000