

学校 和歌山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 英語B
科目番号 0111 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 環境都市工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Speaking of Speech (New Edition) by David Harrington and Charles LeBeau
担当教員 マーシュ デイビッド


1. To be able to give a short, well-organized speech in English
2. To be able to present and explain data clearly using visual aids


WritingStudents are confident in writing an essay or short report related to their interests.Students can write an essay or short report related to their interest if they have some help.Students cannot write an essay or short report related to their interest even if they have some help.
ListeningStudents can easily understand what a lecturer is talking about and follow the audio.Students can understand what a lecturer is talking about and follow the audio if they listen several times or if a speaker speak slowly.Students cannot understand what a lecturer is talking about and follow the audio even if they listen several times or if a speaker speak slowly.
SpeakingStudents are confident in expressing what they want to say with proper gesture.Students can express what they want to say with proper gesture.Students cannot express what they want to say with proper gesture.


D 説明 閉じる


Students will learn how to use body language, intonation, logical structure and visual aids to give clear and confident presentations in English.
During the course, students will prepare and make several short presentations. At the end of the first and second semesters, they will make a longer final presentation. There will also be a group research project and presentation.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course orientation and get to know each other Students will be able to understand the course outline and introduce themselves to their classmates shortly.
2週 Speaking of Speech Unit 1 Students will be able to use body language and eye contact to give an effective presentation.
3週 Speaking of Speech Unit 1 Students will be able to use body language and eye contact to give an effective presentation.
4週 Speaking of Speech Unit 1/2 Students will be able to use body language and eye contact to give an effective presentation.
5週 Speaking of Speech Unit 2 Students will be able to use gestures to make their presentation more engaging.
6週 Presentation Preparation Students will prepare their presentations.
7週 Presentation Student will make their presentations.
8週 Speaking of Speech Unit 2 Students will be able to use gestures to make their presentation more engaging.
9週 Speaking of Speech Unit 3 Students will be able to use voice inflection and intonation to make effective presentations.
10週 Speaking of Speech Unit 3 Students will be able to use voice inflection and intonation to make effective presentations.
11週 Speaking of Speech Unit 3/4 Students will be able to use voice inflection and intonation to make effective presentations.
12週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 4 Student will be able to to make effective visuals.
13週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 4 Student will be able to to make effective visuals.
14週 Presentation Preparation Students will prepare presentation.
15週 Presentation Students will make a presentation.
1週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 5 Student will be able to to explain charts, tables, and diagrams.
2週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 5 Student will be able to to explain charts, tables, and diagrams.
3週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 5/6 Student will be able to to explain charts, tables, and diagrams.
4週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 6 Student will be able to to make an effective introduction for their presentation.
5週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 6 Student will be able to to make an effective introduction for their presentation.
6週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 7 Student will be able to to organize their ideas and support their points with data and examples.
7週 Presentation Preparation Students will prepare presentation.
8週 Presentation Students will make a presentation.
9週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 7 Student will be able to to organize their ideas and support their points with data and examples.
10週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 7/8 Student will be able to to organize their ideas and support their points with data and examples.
11週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 8 Students will able able to write a clear conclusion for their speech.
12週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 8 Students will able able to write a clear conclusion for their speech.
13週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 8 Students will able able to write a clear conclusion for their speech.
14週 Presentation Preparation Students will prepare presentation.
15週 Presentation Students will make a presentation.




PresentationsClass Activities / Quizzes合計
Basic Skill7030100