

学校 和歌山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 英語B
科目番号 0029 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 物質工学科(物質工学コース) 対象学年 5
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Getting Ready for Speech by Charles LeBeau & David Harrington (Language Solutions)
担当教員 マーシュ デイビッド


1. To be able to give a short, well-organised presentation in English
2. To be able to present and explain data clearly using visual aids


Can organize presentation logicallyCan use logical structure to some extentPresentation is not organized logically
Can express oneself well using gestures, intonation, and voice inflection.Can express oneself to some extent using gestures, intonation, and voice inflection.Has difficulty using gestures, intonation, and voice inflection.
Can make easy to read and understand PowerPoint slides.Can make PowerPoint slides are sometimes difficult to understandPowerPoint slides contain mistakes and data is not presented clearly



Students will learn how to use body language, intonation, logical structure and visual aids
to give clear and confident presentations in English. During the course, students will
prepare and make several short presentations. At the end of the first and second
semesters, they will make a longer final presentation. There will also be a group research project and presentation.
In class, students will study about different types of speeches and watch example videos. Then they will write their own speech and prepare materials (PowerPoint, etc). Then they will make a presentation in class.
It is important to review class materials regularly. Also, regular attendance is important, especially on presentation days.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course orientation, prepare and make a self introduction
Can make a short self introduction in English
2週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 1 Can introduce oneself in a confident, interesting manner. Can use good posture.
3週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 1 Can introduce oneself in a confident, interesting manner. Can use good posture.
4週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 1 Can introduce oneself in a confident, interesting manner. Can use good posture.
5週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 2 Can introduce others to an audience. Can use adverbs of frequency correctly (usually, always, etc.). Can make good eye contact.
6週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 2 Can introduce others to an audience. Can use adverbs of frequency correctly (usually, always, etc.). Can make good eye contact.
7週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 2 Can introduce others to an audience. Can use adverbs of frequency correctly (usually, always, etc.). Can make good eye contact.
8週 Group presentation preparation Prepare a presentation in groups of 4~5 people
9週 Group presentation Make a presentation in groups of 4~5 people
10週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 1/2 Review Review textbook contents.
11週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 3 Can describe a process or how to do something to others. Can use sequence markers properly (first, then, after that, etc.). Can use gestures well.
12週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 3 Can describe a process or how to do something to others. Can use sequence markers properly (first, then, after that, etc.). Can use gestures well.
13週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 3 Can describe a process or how to do something to others. Can use sequence markers properly (first, then, after that, etc.). Can use gestures well.
14週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 4 Can explain layout and location clearly. Can use prepositions of place properly (next to, to the left of, etc.). Can use gestures of position and shape.
15週 Individual Presentation preparation Prepare individual presentation
16週 Individual Presentation Make individual presentation
1週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 4 Can explain layout and location clearly. Can use prepositions of place properly (next to, to the left of, etc.). Can use gestures of position and shape.
2週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 4 Can explain layout and location clearly. Can use prepositions of place properly (next to, to the left of, etc.). Can use gestures of position and shape.
3週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 5 Can make an oral report (e.g., book and movie reviews). Can tell a story. Can use word stress for emphasis.
4週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 5 Can make an oral report (e.g., book and movie reviews). Can tell a story. Can use word stress for emphasis.
5週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 5 Can make an oral report (e.g., book and movie reviews). Can tell a story. Can use word stress for emphasis.
6週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 3/4/5 Review Review of textbook contents.
7週 Group Presentation Preparation Prepare group presentation
8週 Group Presentation Make group presentation
9週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 6 Can present data to an audience. Can explain numbers and trends in data. Can use pausing and voice inflection for emphasis.
10週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 6 Can present data to an audience. Can explain numbers and trends in data. Can use pausing and voice inflection for emphasis.
11週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 6 Can present data to an audience. Can explain numbers and trends in data. Can use pausing and voice inflection for emphasis.
12週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 7 Can present and accept an award. Can use gestures effectively.
13週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 7 Can present and accept an award. Can use gestures effectively.
14週 Getting Ready for Speech Unit 6/7 Review Review textbook contents.
15週 Individual Presentation Preparation Prepare individual presentation
16週 Individual Presentation Make individual presentation



