

学校 松江工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 実践英語コミュニケーション4
科目番号 0023 科目区分 一般 / 必履修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 人文科学科・数理科学科 対象学年 2
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 『Making Choices: Exploring Your Approach to SDGs』(National Geographic Learning)
担当教員 川上 サマンサ,リスキー カメラ


①Develop critical thinking skills, learn vocabulary, and have discussions related to SDGs.
②Write basic, cohesive paragraphs with logical structure and flow.
③Improve pronunciation, focusing on individual sounds, intonation, and basic stress.
④Gain knowledge of basic skills including machine translation and PowerPoint.
⑤Develop presentation skills including eye contact, posture, gestures, and key-word emphasis.


評価項目1Able to express opinions with sufficient supporting details.Able to express opinions with adequate supporting details. Not able to express opinions with adequate supporting details.
評価項目2Able to understand and apply basic skills learned in the course.Able to understand the basic skills learned in the course. Not able to understand the basic skills learned in the course.
評価項目3Able to make sounds studied correctly and be easily understood.Able to make most sounds studied correctly and can be understood.Not able to make sounds correctly and is difficult to understand.



The primary focus of this course is spoken English focusing on building vocabulary and practical phrases used to express opinions and make presentations on a variety of topics related to SDGs. Students will develop practical skills to help them improve their overall academic abilities. Students will also learn how to make English sounds correctly and learn about English stress and intonation. Students will work together providing peer support to improve their presentation content.
Midterm Exam 20%. Final Exam 20%. Topic reflection paragraphs 20%. Final Presentation 20%. Weekly vocabulary quizzes 10%. Attendance/in class participation 10%.
Global Commons Events EXTRA CREDIT: You can get 1 point of extra credit for each Global Commons event you attend (maximum of 5 points).
All students, regardless of ability, are expected to actively participate in class and do their assignments well and in a timely manner.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Skill: Self-Introduction “Elevator Pitch” Short, targeted self-introduction
2週 SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Review researching and visual aids
3週 SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth 'If' sentences
4週 SDG 9: 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Supporting sentences in paragraphs
5週 Discussion: Machine Translation Critical thinking about translation errors
6週 Skill: Machine Translation - How to Use How to use machine translation software
7週 Presentation Topic: Machine Translation Supporting details
8週 Exams *No regular lesson*
9週 SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Discuss and research fairtrade products
10週 SDG 14: Life Below Water Discuss and research incidents of water pollution
11週 SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Discuss war and human rights
12週 SDG Overview/Review Review researching and visual aids
Work on final group presentation
13週 Work on Final Presentation Practice talking about visual aids
Continue to work on writing script and making slides
14週 Final Group Presentations Give final group presentation
15週 Exams *No regular lesson*
16週 Return exams and review semester Return exams and review semester




Tests & QuizzesPresentation & WritingPerformance/Attendance合計