

学校 松江工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 実践工学英語
科目番号 0004 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 専門共通 対象学年 3
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 In-class handouts and teacher prepared materials.
担当教員 松田 節郎,堀内 匡,アシュラフル アラム,イビンズ ニコラス


1.) To acquire adequate practical and presentation skills for use in a global engineering environment through PBL techniques.
2.) To learn the reasons both historically and modern that has brought about the current need for SDG’s.
3.) Gain confidence and fluency in expressing opinions and supporting reasons.
4.) Develop their ability to make individual presentations developed in a team environment.
5.) Work on pronunciation, intonation and other presentation skills.skills.
④Improve their listening and writing skills for both general and specific information.


評価項目1:OverallThoroughly understood the requirements of the course and excecuted them well. Showed competent understand of the course and performed satisfactorily. Showed little undestanding of the course which concluded in unsatisfactory results.
評価項目2: ResearchReasearch into project has been thorough and many questions have been asked.Research has been superficial. Information gathering should have been the main point.The project has been seen like a simple activity with little serious as opposed to serious research.
評価項目3: FinalProgressive disclosure through multiple stages building on existing student knowledge.Staging doesn’t flow well and transition between points could be improved.Too much or too little information provided with no connectivity.


全学科共通 G3 説明 閉じる


The primary focus of this course is to acquire English communication skills for use in the engineering profession in a global context using SDG's as a central topic. The students will have three lectures based on how the current urgency has come about using historic and modern examples followed by an explanation of SDG fundamentals. The students, in groups, will work on and deliver a presentation based on a SDG topic of their choice.
1.) Short Test - 30% ( Several tests). Project Work and In-Class performance + Attendance - 10%
2.) Final Presentation – 60% (50% Teacher Evaluation, 10% Peer Evaluation)
All students, regardless of ability, are expected to actively partcipate as equally as possible in this course. Communication and cooperation with teammates is very important and efforts should be made to meet outside of class to collaborate.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 オリエンテーション。Directions. Teacher Introduction. Student Self-Introduction. Course outline. Guidance. Self-Introductions. How to use Google Meet, WBT. Form 1st groups.
Lesson 1: Learning about SDG related goals 1. Refugees.
Students,in groups, are told they must leave Japan because of war. In groups they must decide what to take in their suitcase and why, then make short team presentation presentation.
3週 Lesson 2: Learning about SDG related goals 2. Water and SDG's. Students, in groups must look at the ways they use water on a daily basis and present on how they could reduce water use effeiciently.
4週 Lecture 1: Earth History (Nick), SDG's Overview (Matsuda) Explaining the fundamentals of time and the affects of human presence on Earth through a look at the world's history.
5週 Lecture 2: The Industrial Revolution (Alam)
Short Test : Earth History + SDG's
How the use of the raw materials have been exploited to form modern society for good and for worse.
6週 Lesson 3: SDG's (Matsuda)
Short Test : Industrial Revolution Vobabulary
Overview of SDG's. Topic planning and presentation overview. One topic/two groups. Form groups for Final Presentation.
7週 Guest Appearence from Matsue City Office
Native English speakers introduce the own counter and discuss realted SDG topics.
8週 Fieldwork Plastic Waste, Renewable Energy, Natural Restoration related fieldwork.
9週 Fieldwork/ Analysis (13:00 -16:20) Plastic Waste, Renewable Energy, Natural Restoration related fieldwork and data analysis
10週 Preparation for final presentation. (Fieldwork)
Short Test: SDG's Vocabulary
Teacher feedback
11週 Learning English Presentation Skills. Preparation for final presentation. Teacher feedback
12週 Preparation for final presentation. Teacher feedback
13週 Preparation for final presentation. Teacher feedback
14週 Rehearsals for final presentation Learning English Presentation skills.
15週 Final Presentations 5 students x 6 groups




Mid-Term PresentationFinal PresentationShort TestIn Class Participation/AttendanceAttendance合計