Fundamentals of Integrated Science and Technology

Course Information

College Tsuyama College Year 2021
Course Title Fundamentals of Integrated Science and Technology
Course Code 0002 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 2
Department Department of Integrated Science and Technology Advanced Science Program Student Grade 1st
Term Year-round Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Textbook: "Electrical and Electronic Circuit Basics" (Denki Shoin) Electric Circuit "Electrical Basics" (Tokyo Electric University Press) Prints will be distributed as appropriate. Programming printed teaching materials Reference book: Electric circuit "Practice electrical basics" (Tokyo Electric University Press)
Instructor NISHIO Kimihiro,MATSUSHIMA Yukiko,FANG Guanshen

Course Objectives

Learning purposes: The purpose of the study is to understand the contents of DC circuits, which are considered to be the most basic of electrical and electronic engineering, so that future specialized subjects can be easily understood by understanding the basics of electricity. In addition, you will understand the basics of computers and programming, and learn and use how to express algorithms.
Couese Objectives:
Electric circuit
1. Explain how to analyze DC circuits.
2. Quantitative calculation of DC circuit is possible.
1. Algorithms can be described using PAD (Problem Analysis Diagram) or flowcharts.
2. Understand the basics of C language programming and be able to create programs based on algorithms.


ExcellentGoodAcceptableNo acceptable
Electric circuit Achievement 1Understand the analysis method of DC circuits and be able to explain accurately.Understand and explain how to analyze DC circuits.The method of analyzing a DC circuit can be roughly explained.Can't explain without understanding how to analyze DC circuits.
Electric curcuit Achievement 2Understand the quantitative calculation of DC circuits and be able to explain them accurately.Understand and explain the quantitative calculations of DC circuits.Can roughly explain the quantitative calculation of DC circuits.Can't explain without understanding the quantitative calculation of DC circuits.
Programing Achievement 2You can create a PAD of the basic algorithm without referring to anything.You can understand the PAD of the basic algorithm and create a PAD by modifying it.Understand the basic algorithm PAD.I can't understand the basic algorithm PAD.
Programing Achievement 2Understand variables, assignments, iteration structures, and branch structures, and be able to create correct programs.Understand variables, assignments, iteration structures, and branch structures, and be able to create correct programs while referring to PAD.I understand variables, assignments, iteration structures, and branching structures, but I can't create the correct program by referring to PAD. I can't create a correct program by referring to PAD without understanding variables, assignments, iteration structures, and branch structures.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

General or Specialized :Specialized
Field of learning : Electrical / electronic, information / control
Required, Elective, etc. : Required subjects
Foundational academic disciplines : Electrical and electronic engineering, informatics / software
Relationship with Educational Objectives :This class is equivalent to "(3) Acquire deep foundation knowledge of the major subject area".

Relationship with JABEE programs :A, A-2
   The main goals of learning / education in this class are "(A), A-2".

Course outline : Learn the basics of electrical circuits and programming required in the fields of electronics, information, and communication.
In electrical circuits, students will learn about DC circuits, which are considered to be the most basic of electrical and electronic engineering, so that first graders can become familiar with electrical and electronic engineering.
In programming, you will learn the calculation procedure (algorithm) given to a computer and the basics of programming in C language based on this.
Course method : For electric circuits, the lessons will be centered on board writing. In order to deepen the understanding, we will proceed with the lessons while solving the exercises as appropriate. In addition, reports and issues will be given according to the situation.
Programming is a combination of lectures on algorithms written on the board and exercises in C language programming.

Grade evaluation method : Evaluation of electrical circuits (50%) (Equally evaluate the results of two regular exams (25%), evaluate exercises and reports (25%). Do not allow textbooks / notes to be brought into the exam. .)
Programming evaluation (50%) (Comprehension evaluation (average of two regular exams) (40%), Exercise evaluation (10%))
If the result of the regular test is less than 60 points, the score may be changed if the understanding can be confirmed by the retest. However, the overall evaluation shall not exceed 60 points.
Precautions on the enrollment : It is mandatory to take this course to complete the course of the academic year. Please note the number of missed classes as this course will be held for two consecutive hours in half a year.

Course advice : For electric circuits, it is important not only to understand the knowledge of DC circuits but also to develop the ability to perform circuit analysis through exercises, so it is also necessary for the students to voluntarily tackle the tasks. There is no particular specialized knowledge required in advance for programming. However, since many new concepts and terms will appear, I would like you to prepare and review to deepen your understanding.

Foundational subjects :
Related subjects : Mathematics and science learned in junior high school Related subjects: General specialized subjects

Attendance advice :
In electric circuits, it is recommended to take notes while understanding what is written on the board. Look back at the notebook on that day to clarify the points of lack of understanding, and try to ask questions in the next lesson. If it is within 25 minutes of the start of class, it will be late.
In programming, typing speed and accuracy are important, so practice well. In addition, entry after confirmation of attendance will be delayed. If you are late, you will be treated as absent from one credit hour for two times.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance, memory and vriables Understand the following contents respectively. Memory and variable basics
2nd Substitution, basics of PAD diagram Substitution of numbers into variables and basics of PAD diagrams
3rd Basics of C language Basics of programming in C language
4th Explanation of development environment, programming exercise [printf] Program development environment and exercises
5th Iterative structure by PAD, programming exercise [while] Description and programming of iterative structure by PAD [while]
6th Programming Exercise [while] Iterative structure programming [while]
7th Programming exercise [for] Iterative structure programming [for]
8th 1st semester mid-term exam
2nd Quarter
9th Return and commentary of exam answers
10th Basics of one-dimensional array, programming exercise [one-dimensional array] Basics of one-dimensional array
11th Branch structure by PAD, programming exercise [if, scanf] Branch structure by PAD [if, scanf]
12th Condition description (&, |,!), Exercise [Condition description] Basics of condition description (&, |,!)
13th Programming exercise [condition description] Complex condition description (&, |,!)
14th Combination of iterative structure and branch structure by PAD, programming exercise [Comprehensive] Combination of iterative structure and branched structure by PAD
15th 1st semester final exam
16th Return and commentary of exam answers
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Guidance Understand the following contents respectively.
2nd Voltage / current of electric circuit Voltage / current of electric circuit
3rd Ohm's law Ohm's law
4th Series connection of resistors Series connection of resistors
5th Parallel connection of resistors Parallel connection of resistors
6th Shunt circuit Shunt circuit
7th Voltage divider circuit Voltage divider circuit
8th 2nd semester mid-term exam
4th Quarter
9th Return and commentary of exam answers. Kirchhoff's Law Kirchhoff's Law
10th Kirchhoff's Law(1) Kirchhoff's Law(1)
11th Kirchhoff's Law(2) Kirchhoff's Law(2)
12th Kirchhoff's Law(3) Kirchhoff's Law(3)
13th Wheatstone bridge, battery connection method Wheatstone bridge, battery connection method
14th Power consumption Power consumption
15th 2nd semester final exam
16th Return and commentary of exam answers

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency0000000
Specialized Proficiency65000350100
Cross Area Proficiency0000000