Molecular Biology

Course Information

College Tsuyama College Year 2021
Course Title Molecular Biology
Course Code 0043 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 2
Department Department of Integrated Science and Technology Advanced Science Program Student Grade 3rd
Term Year-round Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Textbooks: Essential Cell Biology (Nankodo), common with "Cell biology"
Instructor SHIBATA Norito

Course Objectives

Learning purposes : Learn about the chemical properties of DNA, RNA, proteins, and cell membranes as materials that are central to biological activities. Also, understand the role of various molecules in biological functions, for example central dogma and transport.

Course Objectives :
◎1. Understand the chemical characteristics of DNA, RNA, protein and cell membrane.
2. Understand the central dogma
3. Understand genes and genomes
◎4. Understand the function of cell membranes.


ExcellentGoodAcceptableNot acceptable
Achievement 1Explain the chemical properties of DNA, RNA, proteins and cell membranes, including specific biological phenomenaUnderstand the structure and function of cell membranes and be able to explain biological reactions through the membrane Explain the chemical properties of DNA, RNA, proteins, and cell membranes The student does not meet the required standards
Achievement 2Understand central dogma, and be able to explain it, including its exceptionsExplain the central dogma. Understand the central dogma.The student does not meet the required standards
Achievement 3Understand the differences between genes and genomes, and be able to explain genetic experiments.Understand and explain the differences between genes and genomesUnderstand genes and genomes.The student does not meet the required standards
Achievement 4Understand the structure and function of cell membranes and be able to explain biological reactions through the membrane Understand and explain the differences between genes and genomes"Understand the function of membranes in cells "The student does not meet the required standards

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

General or Specialized : Specialized

Field of learning : Chemistry/Biology

Foundational academic disciplines : Biology I/General Biology/Experiments in Science

Relationship with Educational Objectives :This class is equivalent to (3) Acquire deep foundation knowledge of the major subject area

Relationship with JABEE programs :The main goals of learning / education in this class is "(A)"

Course outline : Advances in molecular biology in the latter half of the 20th century have led to the development of biology to understand biological phenomena at the level of genes, molecules, and cells. In this lecture, we will outline molecular biology, and understand biological phenomena at the molecular level.
"Course method : We will explain the main points using figures and tables. By conducting exercises that match the content of the lesson appropriately, review and self-study are encouraged.

Grade evaluation method : The scores of each of the four regular exams are evaluated equally (70%), and the quizzes and reports up to each regular exam are added (30%). As a general rule, the first semester grades are the average of the interim and the final exams, and the final grade is the average of all the results. Textbooks and notebooks are not allowed into the exam.
"Precautions on the enrollment : Students must take this class (no more than one-third of the required number of class hours may be missed) in order to complete the 1st year course.

Course advice : Instead of memorizing the words about living things, we recomend that you gain an understanding of the mechanisms of life phenomena.

Foundational subjects : Biology I (1st year), Chemistry I (2nd ), Chemistry II (3rd ), Experiments in Science (2nd ), General Biology (2nd )

Related subjects : Chemistry II (3rd year)Moleculav Biology, Applied Biology (4th year), Developmental Biology (4th year), Experiments in Biology (4th year), Biochemistry (4th year), Cell Biology (4th year), Bioformaties (5th)
Attendance advice : Strictly adhere to the deadline for report assignments. If you are late for class, you will be considered absent after half the class time. If you have any questions about the lecture or related topics, we encourage you to ask to deepen your understanding."

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced
Must complete subjects

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st "Guidance, DNA and Chromosomes "Guidance, DNA and Chromosomes
2nd DNA and Chromosomes Understand the structure and characteristics of DNA as a chemical substance
3rd DNA and Chromosomes Understand the molecules that make up the chromosomes and the characteristics of the chromosomes.
4th DNA replication, repair and recombination Understand the mechanism of DNA replication
5th DNA replication, repair and recombination Understand the mechanism of DNA replication
6th DNA replication, repair and recombination Understand how DNA repair works
7th DNA replication, repair and recombination Understand how DNA recombination works.
8th (First semester midterm exam)
2nd Quarter
9th Returning answers and explanations for the first semester midterm exam
10th DNA to protein Understand how DNA sequences code for proteins
11th DNA to protein Understand the mechanism of DNA transcription.
12th DNA to protein Understanding the mechanism of translation into proteins
13th Regulation of gene expression Understand the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
14th Regulation of gene expression Understand the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
15th (First semester last exam)
16th Returning answers and explanations for the first semester last exam
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Evolution of genes and genomes Understanding Sexual Reproduction and Point Mutation
2nd Evolution of genes and genomes Understand the mechanisms by which new genes are created through gene duplication and other processes during evolution
3rd Evolution of genes and genomes Understand transposons and viruses
4th Evolution of genes and genomes Understand the Human Genome
5th Current recombinant DNA technology Understand DNA Cloning
6th Current recombinant DNA technology Understand the principles of PCR and how it can be used in DNA cloning
7th Current recombinant DNA technology Understand gene function inhibition and genetically modified organisms
8th (Second semester midterm exams)
4th Quarter
9th Returning answers and explanations for the second semester midterm exam
10th Structure of the membrane Understanding the lipid bilayer
11th Structure of the membrane Understand phospholipid transfer and membrane proteins
12th Membrane transport Understand the vehicle and its function
13th Membrane transport Understand Ion Channels and Membrane Potential
14th Membrane transport Understand Ion Channels and Membrane Potential
15th (Second semester last exam)
16th Returning answers and explanations for the second semester last exam

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency70000030100
Specialized Proficiency0000000
Cross Area Proficiency0000000