Wellbeing Science and Assistive Technology

Course Information

College Tsuyama College Year 2021
Course Title Wellbeing Science and Assistive Technology
Course Code 0154 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 2
Department Department of Integrated Science and Technology Advanced Science Program Student Grade 5th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Textbooks:Japanese Society for Wellbeing Science and Assistive Technology、The Rehabilitation Engineering Society of JAPAN ,"Wellbeing Science and Assistive Technology"(Korona Publishing co. ltd.)
Instructor YABUKI Noboru

Course Objectives

Learning purposes :
Understand the basic principles of life support engineering, and explain the technology and environment required for support in daily life situations.

Course Objectives :
1. Understand the basic principles of life support engineering.
2. The student can explain the basic concept of equipment design and environment maintenance.
3. The student can explain what is needed for support in each life situation, such as activities of daily living and communication.


ExcellentGoodAcceptableNot acceptable
Achievement 1The student can use the basic philosophy of life support engineering.The student can explain the basic philosophy of life support engineering.The student can understand the basic philosophy of life support engineering(test).The student can 't understand the basic philosophy of life support engineering.
Achievement 2The student can use the basic concept of equipment design and environment maintenance.The student can explain the basic concept of equipment design and environment maintenance.The student can understand the basic concept of equipment design and environment maintenance(test).The student can't understand the basic concept of equipment design and environment maintenance.
Achievement 3The student can explain what is needed for support in each life situation, such as activities of daily living and communication ,and can think about applications.The student can explain what is needed for support in each life situation, such as activities of daily living and communication.The student can understand what is needed for support in each life situation, such as activities of daily living and communication(test).The student can't understand what is needed for support in each life situation, such as activities of daily living and communication.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

General or Specialized : Specialized
Field of learning : Interdisciplinary subjects/etc.(Medical and social welfare Program)
Foundational academic disciplines : Biomedical engineering and related fields / Medical assistive technology-related
Relationship with Educational Objectives :
This class is equivalent to "(4) Develop multi-disciplinary ability"

Relationship with JABEE programs :
The main goal of learning / education in this class is "(A)... A-1..."

Course outline :
In this class, it is the life support technology based on human resources and welfare equipment that will support the elderly and disabled in the future. In this course, the student will learn the basic matters necessary for independence support and long-term care support for the elderly and disabled, as well as technology and environment improvement to support living and employment.
Course method :
Classes will be centered around writing on the board. The Student will proceed with the lessons while solving exercises as appropriate in order to deepen their understanding. In addition, reports and issues will be given according to the situation. (This class is a semi-annual subject)

Grade evaluation method :
Examination(70%)+Exercises and report assignments (30%).
Examinations will be conducted a total of 2 times, and the evaluation ratios will be the same.
・ Each test does not allow notebooks to be brought in.
・ For those who have less than 60 points in each regular test, supplementary lessons will be given, and if the understanding can be confirmed by the retest, the points may be changed. However, the evaluation after the change shall not exceed 60 points.
Precautions on the enrollment :
Students must take this class (no more than one-third of the required number of class hours missed) in order to complete the 5th year course.This is a class that requires study outside of class hours. A total of 45 hours of study is required per credit, including both class time and study outside class time. Follow the instructions of the instructor regarding study outside of class hours.

Course advice :
As a preparatory study, students should research examples of life support in medical welfare.
Foundational subjects : Subjects learned so far.

Related subjects : Medical and Welfare Engineering(5th), Ergonomics(5th),Psychology for Human Services(5th),Welfare Equipment Design(5th),Biological Information Processing(5th),Biomeasurement Engineering(5th),Wellbeing Science and Assistive Technology(5th), Etc.

Attendance advice :
The student must make preparations / reviews and work on assignments outside of class hours and submit a report. If you do not understand the content of the lesson, ask the teacher.
Late arrivals of 25 minutes or more are treated as one absence, and late arrivals of 75 minutes or more are treated as two absences.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced
Elective must complete subjects

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Not offered this year
Guidance, Concepts of Life Support Engineering (1)
To confirm the class plan. To understand the definition of life support engineering.
2nd Concept of life support engineering (2) To understand the concept of life support engineering
3rd Concept of disability (1) Understand the definition of disability.
4th Concept of disability (2) To understand the actual situation of people with disabilities.
5th Support for daily life using assistive devices (1) Understanding the points of using assistive devices and support for daily life activities.
6th Support for daily life using assistive devices (2) Understanding support for posture maintenance and mobility.
7th Various types of support (1) To understand support for communication and equipment operation.
8th (First semester midterm exam) To confirm the contents of the study up to this point.
2nd Quarter
9th Return of mid-term exam and explanation of answers, various types of support (3) Confirmation and remediation of areas of insufficient learning.
Understand how to support information gathering and dissemination.
10th Support (3) Understanding support for cognitive disabilities.
11th Accessible design (1) To understand the outline of accessible design.
12th Accessible design (2) To understand the points to make accessible design.
13th Human-friendly living environment (1) Understanding the living environment.
14th Human-friendly living environment (1) Understanding the urban environment.
15th (End of semester exam) Confirm the contents of study.
16th Return of answers to the final exam and explanation of the exam Confirmation and remediation of areas of insufficient learning.
Understand how to support information gathering and dissemination.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationExercise / report assignmentTotal
Basic Proficiency000
Specialized Proficiency7030100
Cross Area Proficiency000