Applied Digital Circuits

Course Information

College Tsuyama College Year 2021
Course Title Applied Digital Circuits
Course Code 0054 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 2
Department Department of Integrated Science and Technology Communication and Informations System Program Student Grade 3rd
Term Year-round Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Textbooks:Tadashige Matsuda and Tetsuya Sato,"An Introduction to Microcomputer Technologies(New Edition)"(CoronaPublishing Co,,LTD)
Instructor YABUKI Noboru

Course Objectives

Learning purposes :
Understand the basics of digital circuit design and the basic operating principles and instructions of microcomputers, and learn the basic ideas of assembly language.

Course Objectives :
1. To understand the basics of digital circuit design.
2. To understand the operating principles and instructions of microcomputers.
3. To write simple programs using assembly language.


ExcellentGoodAcceptableNot acceptable
Achievement 1The student can explain digital circuit design in detail.The student can explain digital circuit design sufficiently.The student can explain the basics of digital circuit design (test).The student can't explain the basics of digital circuit design.
Achievement 2The student can explain in detail the specific operating principles and instructions of a microcomputer. The student can fully explain the basic operating principles and instructions of a microcomputer.The student can explain the basic operations and instructions of a microcomputer (test).The student can't explain the basic operation and instructions of a microcomputer.
Achievement 3The student can write a complex (concrete) program in an easy-to-understand manner using assembly language and use it as a model.The student can write easy-to-understand programs using assembly language.The student can write simple programs using assembly language (test).The student can't write programs using assembly language.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

General or Specialized : Specialized
Field of learning : Information system programming network
Foundational academic disciplines : Information science, Computer engineering, and related fields / Computer system-related
Relationship with Educational Objectives :
This class is equivalent to "(3) Acquire deep foundation knowledge of the major subject area"

Relationship with JABEE programs :
The main goal of learning / education in this class arer "(A)... A-2..."

Course outline :
Following "Digital Basics" and in connection with "Digital Engineering", we will deal more professionally from the basics to applications of technologies related to microcomputers.
In the early part of the term, we will explain the relationship between CPU operating principles and instructions, and the connection between hardware and software. In the later period, until the later mid-term test, the basics of digital circuit design will be addressed using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps in logic circuits, which are the basic elements of computers.

After the second half of the mid-term exam, we will explain the structure of the actual microcomputer and practice programming in assembly language.
Course method :
Classes will be conducted using textbooks and supplementary materials, centered on board writing. Until the middle of the first semester, proceed with reference to the textbook used in the second grade digital basics. After that, proceed based on the text. Also, impose exercises and quiz reports to deepen understanding.

Grade evaluation method :
Examination(70%)+Exercises and report assignments (30%).
Regular examinations will be conducted 4 times, with each equally weighted.
・ Each test does not allow notebooks to be brought in.
・ For those who have less than 60 points in each regular test, supplementary lessons will be given, and if the understanding can be confirmed by the retest, the points may be changed. However, the evaluation after the change shall not exceed 60 points.
Precautions on the enrollment :
Students must take this class (no more than one-fifth of the required number of class hours missed) and earn the credit in order to complete the 3rd year course.

Course advice :
The content of the lecture is closely related to the microcomputer experiment in Information Systems Engineering Experiment Practical Training II, so if you study in connection with it, you should deepen your understanding.
Foundational subjects : Information Literacy (1st year), Digital Circuits (2nd), etc.

Related subjects : Digital Engineering (3th year), Introduction to Computers (3th), Mathematical InformationⅠ(4th),Mathematical Engineering(4th), Information Theory(5th)

Attendance advice :
Try to learn in relation to the knowledge learned in other subjects as well as the microcomputer experiment conducted in Information System Engineering Experiment Training II. It is also related to the content of the digital technology certification.
Check for late arrivals in quarters of class time.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced
Must complete subjects

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance,Computer overview [Basic configuration] Understanding computer overview
2nd Basic configuration and function of computer [Program and processor] Understanding the basic configuration of the computer
3rd Basic computer configuration and working basics [Hardware basic configuration] Understanding the basic configuration of the computer
4th Basic computer configuration and working basics [Software basic configuration, and others] Understanding the basic configuration of the computer
5th Microprocessor hardware [various bus operations,registers] Understanding microprocessor hardware
6th Microprocessor hardware [various bus operations,registers] Understanding microprocessor hardware
7th 1st semester mid-term exam See what you've learned so far
8th Return and commentary of exam answers Review areas where learning is insufficient
2nd Quarter
9th Microprocessor hardware [various bus operations,registers]
Understanding microprocessor hardware
10th Microprocessor hardware [various bus operations,registers] Understanding microprocessor hardware
11th Microprocessor hardware [various bus operations,registers] Understanding microprocessor instruction sets
12th Microprocessor software 1 [Instruction set] Understanding microprocessor instruction sets
13th Microprocessor software 2 [Addressing] Understanding microprocessor addressing
14th Microprocessor software 3 [Machine language, Assembly language] Understanding machine languages and assembly languages
15th (1st semester final exam) See what you've learned so far
16th Return and commentary of exam answers Review areas where learning is insufficient
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Guidance, Basics of digital circuits [Binary, etc.] Confirmation of the basics of digital circuits
2nd The basics of digital circuits [such as binary numbers] Confirmation of the basics of digital circuits
3rd Logical circuits and logical designs [Boolean Al al tens and formulas] Understanding Boolean algebra
4th Logical circuits and logical designs [Boolean Al al tens and formulas] Understanding Boolean algebra
5th Logic circuit and logic design [Simplification of logic formula] Understanding the simplification of formulas
6th Logic circuit and logic design [addition circuit] Understanding the adder circuit
7th Logic circuit and logic design [Memory circuit etc.] Understanding the memory circuit
8th 2nd semester mid-term exam See what you've learned so far
4th Quarter
9th Return and commentary of exam answers Review areas where learning is insufficient
10th Microprocessor software 4 [machine language, assembly language] Understanding machine language and assembly language
11th Actual microcomputer [PIC structure / program exercise] Understanding the structure of PIC and creating programs
12th Actual microcomputer [PIC structure / program exercise] Understanding the structure of PIC and creating programs
13th Actual microcomputer [PIC structure / program exercise] Understanding the structure of PIC and creating programs
14th Actual microcomputer [PIC structure / program exercise] Understanding the structure of PIC and creating programs
15th (2nd semester final exam) See what you've learned so far
16th Return and commentary of exam answers Review areas where learning is insufficient

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationAssignments / Mini testTotal
Basic Proficiency000
Specialized Proficiency7030100
Cross Area Proficiency000