Electronic Circuits

Course Information

College Tsuyama College Year 2020
Course Title Electronic Circuits
Course Code 0072 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Integrated Science and Technology Communication and Informations System Program Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Textbooks : Shigetaka Takagi and Kenji Suzuki, "Introduction to electronic circuits" written in Japanese (Jikkyo Shuppan)
Instructor OKADA Tadashi,MIYASHITA Takuya,SORI Hitoshi

Course Objectives

Learning purposes : By understanding the basic concept of electronic circuits, students will basic electric-circuit design skills. In addition, the class cultivates basic ability of hardware design of various electronic devices and IT devices.

Course Objectives :
1. To understand how various passive and active elements (semiconductor elements) are used in electronic circuits.
2. To understand the basic operation of analog electronic circuits.
3. To understand how electronic circuits are used in various electronic devices.


ExcellentGoodAcceptableNot acceptable
Achievement 1Can explain how various passive and active elements are used in electronic circuits by analyzing specific examples.Can explain how various passive and active elements are used in electronic circuits by applying them.Can explain the basics of how various passive and active elements are used in electronic circuits.Can't explain how various passive and active elements are used in electronic circuits.
Achievement 2Can explain the basic operation of analog electronic circuits, including numerical analysis, by listing specific circuits.Can explain the basic operation of analog electronic circuits by citing specific circuits.Can explain the basic operation of specified circuits for analog electronic circuits.Can't explain the basic operation of analog electronic circuits.
Achievement 3Can quantitatively explain how electronic circuits are used in various electronic devices by giving examples.Can explain qualitatively how electronic circuits are used in various electronic devices by giving examples.Can explain the basics of how electronic circuits are used in various electronic devices by giving examples.Can't explain how electronic circuits are used in various electronic devices.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

* Relationship with business: For this course, a faculty member who was in charge of semiconductor development and manufacturing technology at a company acquired basic design skills related to electronic circuits by utilizing his experience and understanding the basic concept of electronic circuits. In addition, the lessons are conducted in a lecture format for the purpose of cultivating the basic abilities of hardware design of various electronic devices and IT devices.

General or Specialized : Specialized

Field of learning : Electrical / Electronic / Control

Required, Elective, etc. : Must complete subjects

Foundational academic disciplines : Engineering / Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Related Fields / Electronic Devices and Electronic Equipment Related

Relationship with Educational Objectives : This class is equivalent to "(3) Acquire deep foundation knowledge of the major subject area".

Relationship with JABEE programs : The main goals of learning / education in this class is "(A) Deepening basic knowledge about technology".

Course outline : For the purpose of acquiring basic knowledge of electronic circuits, students will learn how to express electrical signals, passive elements and semiconductor elements and their characteristics, analog, digital circuits, transistor amplifier circuits, etc.
Course method : It is a class of 2 credit hours per week. Understand the element characteristics required for electronic circuits and the configuration of electronic circuits, focusing on the exercises of the tasks assigned to the students.

Grade evaluation method : Regular exams (Equivalent evaluation of each examination at the middle and final of the term) are evaluated by the total of the average score (70%) of the two times and the evaluation score (30%) of the exercise. In principle, no re-exams will be conducted. However, the re-exams may be conducted only when it is judged that the credits cannot be properly concluded based on the results of the regular exams, and the year-end grades may be corrected based on the results.
Precautions on enrollment : Students must take this class (no more than one-third of the required number of class hours missed) in order to complete the 4th-year course.

Course advice : It is related to other subjects such as Electrical Circuits System (4th year).

Foundational subjects : Electrical and Electronic Circuits (2nd year)

Related subjects : Electrical Circuits System (4th year)

Attendance advice :
This class will introduce many new technical terms and provide insight into the way of thinking in this field.
Those who miss roll call will be treated as late. Those who arrive after half the class will be treated as absent.
Liaison Faculty: Hitoshi Sori, Communication and Information System Program

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance
Electronic circuits and circuit elements
Explain the goals of the lesson and the outline of the circuit elements used.
2nd Transistor amplifier circuit Explain the configuration and features of the transistor amplifier circuit.
3rd Small signal amplifier circuit by transistor Explain the configuration and characteristics of a small signal amplifier circuit using transistors.
4th Design of small signal amplifier circuit by transistor It is possible to calculate the values and characteristics of components for small signal amplifier circuits using transistors.
5th Small signal amplifier circuit by FET Explain the configuration and characteristics of a small signal amplifier circuit using FETs.
6th Negative feedback amplifier circuit Explain the configuration and features of the negative feedback amplifier circuit.
7th Differential amplifier circuit and operational amplifier Explain the configuration and features of differential amplifier circuits and operational amplifiers.
8th (1st semester mid-term exam)
2nd Quarter
9th Return and commentary of exam answers
Power amplifier circuit
Explain the configuration and features of the power amplifier circuit.
10th High frequency amplifier circuit Explain the configuration and features of high-frequency amplifier circuits.
11th Oscillator circuit Explain the configuration and features of the oscillator circuit.
12th Modulation circuit and demodulation circuit Explain the configuration and features of the modulation circuit and demodulation circuit.
13th Control type power supply circuit Explain the configuration and features of the control type power supply circuit.
14th Switching power supply circuit Explain the configuration and features of the switching power supply circuit.
15th (1st semester final exam)
16th Return and commentary of exam answers Make sure you understand the contents up to the final exam.

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency0000000
Specialized Proficiency70300000100
Cross Area Proficiency0000000