Fluid Mechanics

Course Information

College Tsuyama College Year 2021
Course Title Fluid Mechanics
Course Code 0032 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 2
Department Advanced Mechanical and Control System Engineering Course Student Grade Adv. 2nd
Term First Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Textbook : T. Kambe & K. Ishii, "Fluid Dynamics" (Shokabo).
Instructor SAEKI Fumihiro

Course Objectives

Learning purposes :
Acquire the basic ability to theoretically analyze various problems and phenomena related to fluid dynamics.

Course Objectives :
1. To understand the basic equations for the motion of perfect fluids, and analyze typical flow problems.
2. To understand the basic equations for the motion of compressible fluids, and analyze typical flow problems.
3. To understand the basic equations for the motion of viscous fluids, analyze typical flow problems.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelAcceptable LevelUnacceptable Level
Achievement 1Analyze typical flow problems related to perfect fluids, and explain the equations and solutions from a physical point of view.Explain the basic equations for the motion of perfect fluids, and analyze typical flow problems.Explain the basic equations of motion of perfect fluids.Has not reached the level described in the columns on the left.
Achievement 2Analyze typical flow problems related to compressible fluids, and explain the equations and solutions from a physical point of view.Explain the basic equations for the motion of compressible fluids, and analyze typical flow problems.Explain the basic equations of motion of compressible fluids.Has not reached the level described in the columns on the left.
Achievement 3Analyze typical flow problems related to viscous fluids, and explain the equations and solutions from a physical point of view.Explain the basic equations for the motion of viscous fluids, and analyze typical flow problems.Explain the basic equations of motion of viscous fluids.Has not reached the level described in the columns on the left.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

Relationship to practice : In this course, a teacher, who has been engaged in the measurement of exhaust gas from combustion facilities and hot spring water power generation demonstration project, etc., teaches in the form of a lecture on energy transfer and gas state change, drawing on their experience.

General or Specialized : Specialized
Field of learning : Energy and Flow
Foundational academic disciplines : Mechanical engineering/Fluid engineering

Relationship with Educational Objectives :
This class is equivalent to "(2) Acquire knowledge of specialized technical fields including materials and structure, motion and vibration, energy and flow, information and measurement/control, design and production/management, and machinery and systems, and acquire the ability to apply this knowledge to mechanical and system design, manufacture, and operations".

Relationship with JABEE programs :
The main goal of learning / education in this class is "(A), A-2".

Course outline :
In Fluid Engineering, which students have already studied, explanations were given from a hydraulic approach in order to understand the physical meaning of phenomena. In contrast, in this course, basic equations for fluid motion are derived and typical flows are explained from the hydrodynamic approach.
Course method :
The class will be taught mainly on the board or by slides, with explanations of basic concepts and derivation of equations.
Exercises and reports will be assigned as necessary to deepen understanding.

Grade evaluation method :
Exams (70%) + Exercises and reports (30%). Students may be allowed to bring their own notebooks, calculators, etc. to the exam.
Students whose grades are below 60 points may be required to take a retest, where the grade is re-evaluated up to 60 points by using the average of the regular and retest scores.
Precautions on the enrollment :
This is a class that requires study outside of class hours. A total of 45 hours of study is required per credit, including both class time and study outside class time. Follow the instructions of the instructor regarding study outside of class hours.

Course advice :
Since knowledge of mathematics (differential equations, vector analysis, complex functions, etc.) is required as prior knowledge, students are required to review these basics as preparatory studies.

Foundational subjects : Linear Mathematics (3rd year), Applied Mathematics II (4th), Fluid Engineering (4th), Thermodynamics (4th), Highly Advanced Mathematics (5th), Energy System Engineering (Adv. 1st), etc.
Related subjects : Computational Mechanics (Adv. 2nd year), etc.

Attendance advice :
In order to deepen understanding, take the initiative in doing exercises and reports, and review the foundational subjects as necessary.
Arriving (leaving) more than 20 minutes late (early) result in one absence, and arriving (leaving) more than 65 minutes late (early) result in two absences.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced
Elective subjects

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance
Fundamentals of fluid motion (description of motion, deformational motion, rotational motion)
Homework related to fluid motion
Understand the basics of describing fluid motion, and express deformational and rotational motions mathematically.
2nd Properties of fluids (volume and area forces, stress, Newtonian and perfect fluids) Explain the forces acting on fluids, and classify fluids.
3rd Basic equation 1 (conservation of mass, conservation of momentum)
Homework related to the equation of continuity and the equation of motion
Explain the derivation of the equation of continuity and the equation of motion.
4th Basic equations 2 (vorticity equation, conservation of energy)
Homework related to vorticity and energy equations
Explain the derivation of the vorticity and energy equations.
5th Motion of a perfect fluids 1 (Fundamental theorem of potential flow) Explain the fundamental theorem of potential flow.
6th Motion of perfect fluids 2 (various potential flows)
Homework related to potential flows
Obtain solutions for various potential flows.
7th Incompressible and irrotational flow in two dimensions 1 (stream function, complex velocity potential) Explain the stream function and complex velocity potential.
8th Incompressible and irrotational flow in two dimensions 2 (example of flow field) Obtain solutions for a typical two-dimensional incompressible and irrotational flow.
2nd Quarter
9th Incompressible and irrotational flow in two dimensions 3 (conformal transformation, Joukowski transformation, forces acting on objects)
Homework related to incompressible and irrotational flow
Explain conformal transformation, Joukowski transformation, and forces acting on objects.
10th Compressible fluid 1 (sound waves) Derive the wave equation from the basic equations of compressible fluid, and explain the solution of the wave equation.
11th Compressible fluid 1 (shock waves)
Homework related to the Rankine-Hugoniot relations
Explain shock waves, and derive the Rankine-Hugoniot relations.
12th Viscous Fluid Flow 1 (basic equations and boundary conditions, similarity law)
Homework related to similarity laws
Explain the basic equations and boundary conditions of viscous fluids.
Explain the physical meaning of the similarity law and the classification of flows.
13th Viscous fluid flow 2 (parallel flow, low Reynolds number flow)
Homework related to parallel flow
Obtain solutions for typical parallel flows.
Explain the equation of low Reynolds number flow.
14th Viscous fluid flow 3 (high Reynolds number flow) Explain the high Reynolds flow equation and boundary layer.
15th (1st semester final exam)
16th Return and commentary of exam answers

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationExercises and reportsTotal
Basic Proficiency000
Specialized Proficiency7030100
Cross Area Proficiency000