

学校 徳山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 0098 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械電気工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
担当教員 ダーシー ドワイヤー,倉増 泰弘


To help students develop their English speaking skills. Between pre-2nd and 2nd grade in the STEP.


評価項目1can control a basic conversation fluentlycan control a basic conversation moderately fluentlycannot control a basic conversation
評価項目2can describe opinions in English clearlycan describe opinions in English moderately clearlycannot describe opinions in English


到達目標 A 2 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


Use of text book and conversations with native speaker as well as testing
Generally the text will comprise the bulk of the class work. But supplementary material will be used at each teacher's discretion.
Grades will be based 80% from test scores and 20% from class participation by teachers judgment.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 1: Talk about past events and memories. Students will be able to talk about past events and memories using regular and irregular and 'used to'. Students will understand the common uses of 'get'.
2週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 2: Talk about events that have changed your life. How to react to news. Students will be able to talk about events that have changed their lives. Students will be able to use the present perfect without error.
3週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 3: Expressing opinions. Practice the verb + gerund form. Students will be able to ask for and give their opinions fluently.
4週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 4: Talk about problems in life. Practice using 'too much/ many/ (not) enough'. Students can use the English needed for talking about problems and giving advice. Students will be able to talk about advantages and disadvantsges of living in a big city.
5週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 5: Predicting future events. Practice word formation: suffixes and prefixes. Students can have a conversation related to predicting future events smoothly. Students will be able to use words needed for prediction and possibilty.
6週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 6: Talk about future plans. Practice futrure time clauses (when/ unless/ as soon as etc.). Students ability in talking about future plans will improve. Students will be able to use the 'first conditional' form and 'time clauses' smoothly.
7週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 7: Differences between some British and American English words and phrases. Review previous lessons. Students will know the difference between some British and American English words and phrases. Students will review previous lessons.
8週 中間試験 Test Test Week
9週 Review of the test / Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 7: Talk about people, places and things. Practice relative clauses (who/ where/ which). Students will review their test papers. Students can have conversations using relative clauses.
10週 Breakthroug Plus 3: Unit 8: Talk about experiences. Practice the use of narrative tenses: simple past; past continuous; past perfect. Students will develop skills for telling stories using narrative tenses. Students can talk smoothly about their experiences.
11週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 9: Talk about feelings and emotions. Practice the use of '-ed adjectives' and '-ing adjectives. Students can have conversations related to feelings and opinions fluently. Students will be able to use adjectives of emotions smoothly.
12週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 10: Talking about wishes and possibilities. Practice the second conditional; I wish + simple past. Students can talk about their wishes and possibilities fluently. Students can use the English needed for moving to another country.
13週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 11: Making deductions. Practice popular idioms and proverbs. Students will be able to use the English needed to make deductions effectively. Students will be able to use modals of deduction: could/ might/ must.
14週 Breakthrough Plus 3: Unit 12: Talk about key events from the past. Review previous lessons. Students can have conversations related to key events from the past smoothly. Students will be able to use simple present and past passive verbs
15週 期末試験 Test Test Week
16週 答案返却など Return and review the test Students will review their test papers.



