

学校 徳山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 英語特別演習(英会話上級)
科目番号 0171 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 機械電気工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Interchange 1 (5th Edition)
担当教員 倉増 泰弘,リービス カーティス


The purpose of this course is to get students speaking and listening to English as much as possible in class. Lessons focus on common, everyday English vocabulary, phrases, and conversations.


評価項目1Can give opinions in English clearlyCan give opinions in English moderately clearlyCannot give opinions in English
評価項目2Can understand spoken English with few problems or misunderstandings.Can understand spoken English with some problems and some misunderstandings.Can understand a few key words of spoken English, and struggles to guess from context.
評価項目3Can employ appropriate English grammar correctly in all situations.Can employ appropriate English grammar correctly in many situations.Can employ appropriate English grammar correctly in few situations.


到達目標 A 2 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


Use of the text as well as conversation with a native speaker and testing.
Generally the text will comprise a bulk of the class work. But supplementary material will be used at each teacher's discretion.
Grades will be 80% test based and 20% based on attendance and participation.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction, Unit 1: “Where are you from?” Explanations of class format and tools for communication. Introductions and greetings; names, countries and nationalities.
2週 Unit 1: “Where are you from?” Students will gain confidence in giving introductions and greetings; names, countries and nationalities.
3週 Unit 2: “What do you do?” Students will describe work and school, ask for and give opinions, and describe daily schedules.
4週 Unit 2: “What do you do?” Students will describe work and school, ask for and give opinions, and describe daily schedules. Review Units 1 and 2.
5週 Unit 3: “How much are these?” Students will talk about prices, give opinions, discuss preferences, make comparisons, and learn how to buy things.
6週 Unit 4: “Do you play the guitar?” Students will talk about likes and dislikes, giving opinions, and make invitations and excuses.
7週 Unit 4: “Do you play the guitar?” Students will talk about likes and dislikes, giving opinions, and make invitations and excuses. Review Units 3 and 4.
8週 Mid-term Exam Mid-term Exam (Units 1-4)
9週 Unit 5: “What an interesting family!” Students will talk about families and family members, exchange information about the present, and describe family life.
10週 Unit 5: “What an interesting family!” Students will talk about families and family members, exchange information about the present, and describe family life.
11週 Unit 6: “How often do you run?” Students will ask about and describe routines and exercises, talk about frequency, discuss sports and athletes, and talk about abilities.
12週 Unit 6: “How often do you run?” Students will ask about and describe routines and exercises, talk about frequency, discuss sports and athletes, and talk about abilities. Review Units 5 and 6.
13週 Unit 7: “We went dancing!” Students will talk about past events, give opinions about past experiences, and talk about vacations.
14週 Unit 7: “We went dancing!” Students will talk about past events, give opinions about past experiences, and talk about vacations.
15週 Final Exam Final Exam (Units 5-7)
16週 Review Review



