

学校 宇部工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2017
授業科目 イングリッシュコミュニケーションⅡ
科目番号 0010 科目区分 一般 / 選択
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 制御情報工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 1) Passport. Oxford University Press. 2) More True Stories. Longman.
担当教員 南 優次,服部 哲


This course is designed to teach students                                           
① how to handle themselves should they go overseas
② how to go about doing everyday tasks in English
③ talk about their own life experiences


評価項目1The student is able to confidently and correctly use the langauge required of them to live overseas.The student still makes occasional yet consistent errors that may impede communication.The student relies on others or their textbook to complete their tasks.The student is not able to consistently complete the tasks needed to survive overseas.
評価項目2The student is able to confidently and correctly complete tasks on their own.The student may still struggle to find the langauge needed to complete certain tasks.The student is very unsure of how to complete certain tasks.The student consistently does not use English to complete their tasks.
評価項目3The student can accurately speak about their own past experiences.The student may need prompting to speak about their own past experiences.The student may need to mimic the book or others in order to explain themselves.The student rarely deviates from the textbook when talking about their experiences.



Quarter 1 & 2 & 3 & 4
This course is designed to improve the conversation skills.
The students can bring dictionaries but they should learn not to rely on them during class.
They will also be asked to do homework in the Passport Workbook.
The students should expect to be asked to recite passages from their textbook when asked.
Short oral exams will occur at different times throughout the year. 
The students will be expected to bring their textbook to every class. The class will generally be conducted entirely in English.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction/Would you like chicken or fish?/Puppy Love Course introduction. How to accept and make requests politely. How to talk about personal possessions.
2週 Can I have your passport, please?/Surprise! It's your wedding!
How to ask and answer questions at immigration. How to talk about future plans.
3週 My mother has her own business./Bad News, Good News Talking about our families. How to express how things make you feel.
4週 Can I check my email?/The Twins of Siam How to make polite requests. How to tell a short life story.
5週 Are you ready to order?/The Baby Exchange How to order in a restaurant. Talking about our personal habits.
6週 Where's the station?/The Ghost How to give and understand directions. Talking about strange occurences.
7週 Pre-Exam Summary Review of the material to date. Mock exam to prepare students for their Term-end Exam.
8週 midterm examination
9週 Destination: the UK Exam review and talking about foreign countries.
10週 Can I use my card in this ATM?/Why can't they quit? How to get money at a bank. Talking about health concerns.
11週 Do you have a non-smoking room?
/Everybody's baby
How to deal with the process of reservations politely. How to describe early experiences.
12週 I have a stomachache.
/Pay it forward
How to explain basic health ailments. Talking about helping others.
13週 I'm from Japan./Please pass the bird brains How to talk about yourself and your home. Talking about our dietary habits.
14週 Pre-Exam Summary Review of the material to date. Mock exam to prepare students for their Term-end Exam.
15週 term end examination
16週 Course Summarization Exam review and talking about foreign countries.
1週 What time does it start?/Margaret Patrick…meet Ruth Eisenberg How to ask about tourist attractions. How to describe how we relate to our friends.
2週 Have you been to the islands?/Finders Keepers How to talk about places you have visitied. How to use conditionals.
3週 I really like rugby!/The Husband How to talk about your interests. Talking about people that we meet.
4週 Where should we meet?/The Auction How to make plans with someone. Talking about helping those in need.
5週 How about 400 baht for two?/Money to burn How to buy souvenirs. Talking about making mistakes.
6週 I'd like to send this to Japan, please./The School and the Stamp How to ask and answer basic post office questions. Talking about discrimination.
7週 Pre-Exam Summary Review of the material to date. Mock exam to prepare students for their Term-end Exam.
8週 Midterm Exam
9週 Destination: Thailand Exam review and talking about foreign countries.
10週 We're staying five more days./A long fishing trip How to make suggestions. Talking about dangerous situations.
11週 I lost my bag!/The Surgeon How to describe personal items. Talking about natural disasters.
12週 Which bus goes to the airport?!/Customer service? How to travel to the airport. Talking about frustrating situations.
13週 What did you like best?/The Mermaid Balloon How to talk about your vacation experiences. Talking about wishes.
14週 Pre-Exam Summary Review of the material to date. Mock exam to prepare students for their Term-end Exam.
15週 Term Eng Exam
16週 ourse Summarization Exam review and talking about foreign countries.



