

学校 宇部工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2017
授業科目 イングリッシュコミュニケーションB
科目番号 0007 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 経営情報学科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 American Headway 2 Liz Soars and John Soars. Oxford University Press
担当教員 南 優次,スコット・K ・スヤ


This course is designed to teach students how to                           
① communicate their own thoughts and feelings clearly with a variety of phrases and structures found in their textbook.
②handle various travel and life situations
③create short presentations in English


評価項目1The student is able to use the structures taught with little or no errors.The student still makes simple, yet correctable, errors with the structures taught.The student cannot consistently use the strucutres without prompting from the teacher or textbook.The student rarely can communicate their thoughts clearly in English on their own.
評価項目2The student would be able to handle basic tasks confidently were they to go abroad.The student would be able to handle some basic tasks on their own if they were to go abroad.The student would not be able to consistently use English to handle basic tasks if they were to go abroad.The student is unable to complete tasks in English on their own.
評価項目3The student can confidently and correctly give opinions and information.The student can sometimes give clear opinions correctly but not always.The student does not have all the skills need to express their opinions on their own,The student is unable to communicate their ideas in English.


教育目標 (G) 説明 閉じる


Quarter 3 & 4
This course is designed to improve the conversation skills.
Students will be asked to write answers on the whiteboard for the benefit of their classmates from time to time.
Students will also be expected to do short oral assignments when asked, usually with a partner. 
These assignments will occur at different times during the year and count towards their final grade.
In addition to the midterm and final exams, there will be two oral exams during the year,
The students will be expected to bring their textbook to every class. The class will generally be conducted entirely in English.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction/Unit 1: Getting to know you Pages 2-5 Practice talking about ourselves and reviewing the different parts of speech. Pages 6-7 Thinking about how we prefer to communicate with others via a short reading passage.
2週 Unit 2: The way we live Pages 10-11 Describing different countries. Page 14-15 Thinking about the reasons for living abroad and the difficulties we might face by reading about different people.
3週 Unit 3: It all went wrong Pages 18-20 Practicing talking about past events. Page 24 How to increase your vocabulary via prefixes and suffixes.
4週 Unit 4: Let's go shopping! Page 27 Reviewing count/noncount. Pages 30-31 Describing a place and why people go there.
5週 Unit 5: What do you want to do? Page 36 How to talk about our future intentions. Pages 38-39 Talking about the state of our lives
6週 Unit 6: The best in the world Pages 46-47 Talking about wealth. Pages 48-49 How to vary your vocabulary through synonyms and antonyms. Giving directions.
7週 Review:Units 1-6 Students review the work done in Units 1-6 to prepare for the midterm examination.
8週 Mid Term Exam
9週 Unit 7: Fame    Page 52 Talking about time and our life experiences. Page 56 Practicing idomatic expressions. 
10週 Unit 8: Dos and don'ts Page 65 Describing physical ailments.
11週 Unit 9: Going places Page 67 Talking about hypothetical life situations. Pages 72-73 Practicing language that might be used on a vacation.
12週 Unit 10: Scared to death Pages 78-79 Talking about independence. Page 81 Practicing using phrases that use exaggeration.
13週 Oral Presentations Students give oral presenatation that they have been preparing in groups.
14週 Review:Units 6-10 Students review the work done in Units 6-10 to prepare for the final examination.
15週 Term End Exam
16週 Course Summarization Exam Review



